Amon Amarth for beginners

I'm new to this forum but not to Amon Amarth. I don't know if they have music choice in Germany like we do in the states but that is how I got introduced to Amon Amarth. My son and I just put on the death metal channel while we play World of Warcraft and we get to hear all kinds of music we nomallly would not hear. Vader, Dying Fetus, Dublin Death Patrol (which is Testament and Exodus) and plenty others come on. Sometimes we like the bands and sometimes we don't. But since I am a boring married guy who spends most of his time with his family, I don't get out to concerts and clubs much. So the death metal channel has really been a nice way to hear some new bands and even some older ones I have lost touch with.

death metal channel eh? link me?
If you happen to have the older CD's, you should also let him hear Victorious March, Amon Amarth, The Dragons' Flight Across the Waves, Without Fear and Bleed for Ancient Gods.

That's only if you have Once Sent From The Golden Hall, and The Avenger. If you don't then that's a good list nonetheless.

Yeah dude, Once Sent from The Golden Hall is a brilliant album. Victorious March and Dragons' Flight Across The Waves are great songs.

And The Avenger is also wicked. The Last with Pagan Blood is also a good choice. :rock:
I'm new to this forum but not to Amon Amarth. I don't know if they have music choice in Germany like we do in the states but that is how I got introduced to Amon Amarth. My son and I just put on the death metal channel while we play World of Warcraft and we get to hear all kinds of music we nomallly would not hear. Vader, Dying Fetus, Dublin Death Patrol (which is Testament and Exodus) and plenty others come on. Sometimes we like the bands and sometimes we don't. But since I am a boring married guy who spends most of his time with his family, I don't get out to concerts and clubs much. So the death metal channel has really been a nice way to hear some new bands and even some older ones I have lost touch with.

Sounds wicked. :rock:
Possible to watch any of this on the internet?
Simple question: What songs would you recommend me to play to a guy to convince him that Metallica is not the best band in the world?

Forget the usual methods of conversion. I would replace each of metallica's albums of your friend with an AA cd, that way you get him to listen to each one.

If all else fails, you only have one of two possible choices;

1) Shoot your friend
2) Get another friend


I remember when metallica released their first album, it was new, gritty, yet nothing much else was around at the time. Still my favourite album would have to be Master of Puppets.

Although I gave up on them after their black album. I really didn't get the same emotions from a band since, then by sheer accident I came across AA when I listened to Victorious March it took quite a while to track down any further cds.

There's no turning back for me :kickass::kickass:
Yeah dude, Once Sent from The Golden Hall is a brilliant album. Victorious March and Dragons' Flight Across The Waves are great songs.

And The Avenger is also wicked. The Last with Pagan Blood is also a good choice. :rock:

I totally forgot to mention that, The Last with Pagan Blood is amazing! :kickass:

Sounds wicked. :rock:
Possible to watch any of this on the internet?

I'm not entirely sure, I believe he was talking about a TV channel. There's also the radio stations. As a last resort, you can always just go on YouTube and find some new random bands.

Anything from St. Anger.

Yep, that's exactly what I mean. That album wasn't *terrible* but it was certainly not close to their best. The sales speak for themselves.
Forget the usual methods of conversion. I would replace each of metallica's albums of your friend with an AA cd, that way you get him to listen to each one.

If all else fails, you only have one of two possible choices;

1) Shoot your friend
2) Get another friend

Hmmm lol :p
Maybe I should mention that guy is less a friend more a co-worker, and I won't just sneak into his house just like that and leave my beloved CDs there... and go home with some Metallica ones :heh: No, no ^^

And good employees are very hard to find over here, so if I shoot him, I will get into trouble with my boss. Just thought it would be a good idea for recruiting, but if anything else doesn't work, I will try that tho.
Will hand him a CD tomorrow and see what he thinks of it.
I think the best song to show him is Death in Fire, one of their 'catchiest'. Anything off Oden On Our Side is good for starters too.
I dunno.. I've had MANY a fight with those kinds of Metallica fans who think it's the best there is, and wont bother opening themselves to anything else.. and I think it could be a lost cause.. but you never know, doesn't hurt to try..

I 2nd the whole Pursuit of Vikings, Cry of the Blackbirds thing, Also Runes to my Memory could be a good start..

I was once one of those kids who didnt listen to anything but Metallica... then Iced Earth changed me, however it wasn't until i discovered AA that i realized this is my favorite fucking band.:rock:
I was once one of those kids who didnt listen to anything but Metallica... then Iced Earth changed me, however it wasn't until i discovered AA that i realized this is my favorite fucking band.:rock:

I don't really mean people who consider Metallica their fav, but listen to other metal as well. Maybe it's an Australian-Bogan thing, but hasn't anyone ever come across the kind of people that are all in your face about 'yeah Metallica rules!' but other than that all you'll find they listen to is something like AC/DC or good ol' Aussie rock like Chisel and Barnesy, and maybe some shit punk or hardcore, and hell they probably haven't even listened to old Metallica, their opinion is based off Load/Reload/St Anger. Then they proceed to tell you that you don't know shit about metal because you don't agree, and they couldn't even name 1 European metal band if you asked. Is anyone getting a mental picture in their head yet about said 'Metallica fan'? I've encountered them wayyyy too often up in QLD (where Metal is pretty non-existant)
I have to admit that Metalica, Slayer and Testament were my favorite bands back in the 80s. But I also listened to Wargasm, Nuclear Assult, Overkill, DRI, Motorhead, Violence and many, many others. Of those three, I have to say Slayer was my favorite. I don't think Metallica was ever my favorite but I do have fond memories of listening to the old three albums and doing some underage drinking with my friends. My main problem with the most of the older bands (Metallica and Slayer included) is they all have become political bitch bands and just seem to play whiner songs. When I first heard A.A. I thought to myself "finally a band that just tells great stories and doesn't try to get me to care about some social injustice."
I don't really mean people who consider Metallica their fav, but listen to other metal as well. Maybe it's an Australian-Bogan thing, but hasn't anyone ever come across the kind of people that are all in your face about 'yeah Metallica rules!' but other than that all you'll find they listen to is something like AC/DC or good ol' Aussie rock like Chisel and Barnesy, and maybe some shit punk or hardcore, and hell they probably haven't even listened to old Metallica, their opinion is based off Load/Reload/St Anger. Then they proceed to tell you that you don't know shit about metal because you don't agree, and they couldn't even name 1 European metal band if you asked. Is anyone getting a mental picture in their head yet about said 'Metallica fan'? I've encountered them wayyyy too often up in QLD (where Metal is pretty non-existant)

If someone was a huge Metallica fan and only heard Load/Reload/St Anger...I would not respect their opinion at all...come to think of it, I would probably laugh in their face and walk away. :heh: