I don't really mean people who consider Metallica their fav, but listen to other metal as well. Maybe it's an Australian-Bogan thing, but hasn't anyone ever come across the kind of people that are all in your face about 'yeah Metallica rules!' but other than that all you'll find they listen to is something like AC/DC or good ol' Aussie rock like Chisel and Barnesy, and maybe some shit punk or hardcore, and hell they probably haven't even listened to old Metallica, their opinion is based off Load/Reload/St Anger. Then they proceed to tell you that you don't know shit about metal because you don't agree, and they couldn't even name 1 European metal band if you asked. Is anyone getting a mental picture in their head yet about said 'Metallica fan'? I've encountered them wayyyy too often up in QLD (where Metal is pretty non-existant)