Amon Amarth for beginners

OK, so here we have another type of Metallica-fan: the one that doesn't like any other stuff lol

Geez. I take it he's not too adventurous with music?

I'd suggest you give him a sampling of AA songs and insist that he listen to them through headphones with his eyes closed, so he can focus all his attention and get the full effect.

On the sampler i'd include the following songs:

Cry of the Blackbirds (first AA song I ever heard. i was instantly hooked)
Victorious March
Amon Amarth
Friends of the Suncross
The Last with Pagan Blood
A Fury Divine
The Arrival of Fimbul Winter
Across the Rainbow Bridge
Fate of Norns
Once Sealed in Blood

If he doesn't get musical orgasms from this (where his eyes start rolling back from the pleasure of the sonic assault), then i'm afraid he's a lost cause....

Best o' luck to ya :)

So I started fucking him off today

Whoa! Now i know that Germany has a really low birthrate these days, but i never imagined sex had become a form of punishment!!


Nah, i know what you're saying. But it's cool to see that there are true female metal-heads out there. Most girls only go to metal shows around here when they're dragged by their boyfriends...

I do believe i was born on the wrong side of the pond. :cry:
Anything from St. Anger.
HAHAHHAHAHhahahhahahhaha xD

I think that the best AA song you could give to a starter is The Pursuit of Vikings, the riff is just perfect, it will catch anyone :D
Personally my two favourite songs are Once Sealed in Blood and Asator, but I don't believe that someone who never heard death would like them.

Mmmm, thinking it well, I don't think that jumping from Metallica to AA would be a good idea, but you should tell us something, what kind of Metallica does your friend like? The Metallica that does more tranquil songs like One or The Unforgive, or the more extreme part, like Master of Puppets and Seek and Destroy?
If the answer to that is the second, that he listens to Metallica because he thinks it's really extreme and speedy, then give him the Painkiller album from Judas Priest, he is going to feel so fucking owned...

PS: Excuse me for my bad english.
It's why I love these boards and the girls I have gotten to know!
They aren't groupies, they aren't into it cuz their boyfriend is....they love it cuz it's DAMN GOOD FUCKING MUSIC!
3 cheers to my girls :rock::rock:
I don't really mean people who consider Metallica their fav, but listen to other metal as well. Maybe it's an Australian-Bogan thing, but hasn't anyone ever come across the kind of people that are all in your face about 'yeah Metallica rules!' but other than that all you'll find they listen to is something like AC/DC or good ol' Aussie rock like Chisel and Barnesy, and maybe some shit punk or hardcore, and hell they probably haven't even listened to old Metallica, their opinion is based off Load/Reload/St Anger. Then they proceed to tell you that you don't know shit about metal because you don't agree, and they couldn't even name 1 European metal band if you asked. Is anyone getting a mental picture in their head yet about said 'Metallica fan'? I've encountered them wayyyy too often up in QLD (where Metal is pretty non-existant)

If i ever encounted a Metallica fan who bragged that they were the best and based that on them only listening to Load/Reload/St Anger, I would probably knock them out. You have to listen to Master, Justice, Ride the Lightning and Kill Em All to fully appreciate them.

But yeah I understand what you are getting at, with those annoying fucks. I know people who love Metallica but also love European metal too. Those people are true fucking metal heads. :rock:

And I guess QLD would be horrible to live with metal almost being non-existant. Fuck that! Lol.
Ok... you got my Silent, I personally loved and still do, Ride the Lightning.... but yeah I liked everything before load. Load wasn't horrible(St. Anger) but Reload on was.... And god damnit I wish to this day I was introduced to AA so much earlier than only a year ago :erk:. But hey I'm here now so fuck it!

Back on topic, I showed my buddy AA and he was like "Dude that singing is fucking gay", so i back handed him while i was driving and cranked it louder, it was Valhall Awaits Me.... He's never bitched about AA since.:lol: However he loved Under the Northern Star.... AA has a way to grab anyones attention in atleast one of their songs....
I won't give him ANYTHING anymore, maybe except for a kick in his rotten butt. He's a psycho you know. The other day, he banged at the kennel where I was sitting in with one Husky and one Shepard Dog and they went crazy. Feared my life tho. I was wondering if I would go to Valhall by getting killed by dogs -.-

I found out he doesn't only listen to Metallica but also some weird stuff like Nirvana and even Rock. Plus he made a mistake: When he gave me the CD back, he said: That almost sounds like Six Feet Under. Weirdo, really.
I won't give him ANYTHING anymore, maybe except for a kick in his rotten butt. He's a psycho you know. The other day, he banged at the kennel where I was sitting in with one Husky and one Shepard Dog and they went crazy. Feared my life tho. I was wondering if I would go to Valhall by getting killed by dogs -.-

I found out he doesn't only listen to Metallica but also some weird stuff like Nirvana and even Rock. Plus he made a mistake: When he gave me the CD back, he said: That almost sounds like Six Feet Under. Weirdo, really.

Johan Hegg sounds NOTHING like Chris Barnes. WTF is wrong with that guy.
Now, I love rock and I really like Nirvana, so I won't fault him there, but other than that, he seems like an idiot and an asshole. Dangerous combo there.
Yea, he even looks like one of your birds there haha

love that owls...


chris barnes? Perhaps barnes is the only death metal singer he knows by name...
It's why I love these boards and the girls I have gotten to know!
They aren't groupies, they aren't into it cuz their boyfriend is....they love it cuz it's DAMN GOOD FUCKING MUSIC!
3 cheers to my girls :rock::rock:

I'm not sure if you're from Europe or not, but i always get the impression that in Europe, metal-loving girls are simply par for the course.

Which of course is why one of these days i might have to take advantage of my eligibility for EU citizenship on account of my Irish-born mother.. :D
I'm not sure if you're from Europe or not, but i always get the impression that in Europe, metal-loving girls are simply par for the course.

Which of course is why one of these days i might have to take advantage of my eligibility for EU citizenship on account of my Irish-born mother.. :D

Naaa sadly man, I am in the states...I should be in Europe though...damnit.
i got a lot of ppl into amon, here how it goes, i walk by, suddenly, i stop and start windmilling (usually cuz i have amon song in my head), and ppl will go like "wtf? r u crazy? what r u doing?" then i show them video clips of amon, and they find it really intresting and catchy, so my ans would be ffor beginner, teach them to windmill \m/
I won't give him ANYTHING anymore, maybe except for a kick in his rotten butt. He's a psycho you know. The other day, he banged at the kennel where I was sitting in with one Husky and one Shepard Dog and they went crazy. Feared my life tho. I was wondering if I would go to Valhall by getting killed by dogs -.-

I found out he doesn't only listen to Metallica but also some weird stuff like Nirvana and even Rock. Plus he made a mistake: When he gave me the CD back, he said: That almost sounds like Six Feet Under. Weirdo, really.

I thought there were only guys like that here :lol: - get rid of him immediately!!!! :ill:
I would tell a dude to listen to Under the Grey Clouded Winter Sky and Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds
I'd probably say the production is too abrasive.

People are used to poppy-magical songs where all the synthed "voices" and "instruments" can be heard.

I'd say maybe anything off Vs the World, Odin on our Side, or Fate of Norns.
I won't give him ANYTHING anymore, maybe except for a kick in his rotten butt. He's a psycho you know. The other day, he banged at the kennel where I was sitting in with one Husky and one Shepard Dog and they went crazy. Feared my life tho. I was wondering if I would go to Valhall by getting killed by dogs -.-

I found out he doesn't only listen to Metallica but also some weird stuff like Nirvana and even Rock. Plus he made a mistake: When he gave me the CD back, he said: That almost sounds like Six Feet Under. Weirdo, really.

Damn straight dude. Looks like you have a long struggle ahead of you now, to convert him from Rock to Viking Death Metal.

Would be pretty fucking hard, and he does sound psycho too lol. :ill:

Just give him a hard kick and let him listen to With Oden On Our Side, both the song and the album. :rock: