Amon Amarth to tour Europe with Dimmu Borgir !

eh shit.... i would give alot to be able to attend those shows.... but damnit they are too far away!!!! the only chance i have to see Amon Amarth is at the sounds of the underground when they go to Texas
Please can someone help me obtain tickets for Dimmu Borgir in prague? I have scoured the internet without success!! I am in England and will travel to see them but i didnt think getting a ticket would be so difficult!! The venue site does not have an english translation! Are there any ticketagencies that may help?
Many many thanks
yes, amon amarth coming to holland (013) and ab brussels, maybey I go to both, but I'm not sure yet!!.
but you may expect me in 013!!! cant wait to see you again! :rock: i hope that you also give a great show @ the graspop festival! :kickass:
i really adore you guys!!!!! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :kickass: :kickass:
:danceboy: I can't wait to see Amon...I'm not the biggest Dimmu fan but i'm sure they will give a great show.......
Nov. 06 - Oslo - Sentrum Scene (NO)

the grand finale...will kick insane ass..!!! =)
I'm in need of help getting tickets for the Elysee date on the 4th, I will be in Paris for a couple of days, the Elysee site ain't much help!
Hello all,

Yes I am going to see Amon Amarth together with Dimmu Borgir and Hatesphere the 24th in Tilburg.
Im realy looking forward to it, Ive never been to their gigs before and everyone says that AMon AMarths gigs absolutely rule.

plus theyre my favorite band :p.
I live in the god dmaned US..... Not only is the UN gonna nuke us but I cant see the fuckin' show. Two of my faviorite bands...