Amon Amarth touring


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
CHILDREN OF BODOM, TRIVIUM and AMON AMARTH will be teaming up for a North American tour beginning in early November. According to various sources — including Ticketmaster and House of Blues — the following dates have been confirmed so far:

Nov. 09 - Quebec City, QC @ Théâtre Capitole
Nov. 10 - Montreal, QC @ Le Medley
Nov. 11 - Toronto, ON @ The Opera House
Nov. 12 - Detroit, MI @ Harpo's
Nov. 13 - Chicago, IL @ House of Blues
Nov. 16 - Minneapolis, MN @ Quest Club
Nov. 18 - Englewood, CO @ Gothic Theatre
Nov. 21 - Seattle, WA @ El Corazon
Nov. 23 - Portland, OR @ Roseland Theater
Nov. 27 - West Hollywood, CA @ House of Blues
Dec. 09 - Philadelphia, PA @ The Trocadero

Gay, why did they have to tour with two gay fucking bands.
Now I have to wait on line with a bunch of metalcore fegs. =/
fuck...amon amarth is awesome. I used to like CoB but yeah that britney spears cover ....really turned me away from them lately. UGH.

and Trivium is metalcore...I saw them at ozzfest..they are the epitome of metalcore...the guitarist tries to look like he's a tr00 metal guy..but his lousy JMP-1 tone and sloppy chops tells otherwise. And the singer wears girly asspants and sings ultra gay style.

They suckass.

Amon Amarth kills them both with a big fuckin Hammer!
Trivium has talented leads, but they suck. New wave of talented metalcore because of bands like Bodom.
Bodom is good FTR and back. Hatecrew and after they are metalcore. Neoclassical metalcore, whatever you want to call them. Have you heard knuckleduster, or trashed gay and poked in the ass, or any new songs? They blow. And don't come back with any, oh but they are still good, they have great leads. They have a talented guitarist with a weak mind who soldout to the American MTV fame and glory bullshit.
Amon Amarth is good.
metalskater7 said:
Hatecrew and after they are metalcore. Neoclassical metalcore, whatever you want to call them. Have you heard knuckleduster, or trashed gay and poked in the ass, or any new songs? They blow.


this is the greatest thing you've ever said in your entire life.
I'd love to go to that... fuckin... thats gay... They should come to Vancouver.
metalskater7 said:
New wave of talented metalcore because of bands like Bodom.

i gaurantee you that bands like lamb of god and killswitch engage have done far more for metalcore than bodom will ever do. HCDR sounds nothing like metalcore.