Amon Amarth Video (sort of)


New Metal Member
Apr 5, 2003
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Heh I was searching for AA videos on kazaa to see what I could scare up. This was the only result and I found it incredibly amusing for some reason.

Not sure if this has been seen here previously or not but eh.

On another note tomorrow is Amon Amarth in Rhode Island and I must say I am quite excited. I haven't seen them since the failed tour with marduk some time ago. I think I will be seeing them 5 times this summer maybe 6. eh.
Ouch... Now I'm really scared... I don't know what to do...Should I cry or should I laugh... Perhaps both...Without sound its totally amusing, with sound your ears bleed... and you can't watch this shit:)

If you enjoy torturing your ears and eyes you should check it...In this case I can only recommend it:)
I always thought the AA fan base was made up of longhairs and the like not adidas wearing clean cut guys. eh. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it esp when he flexes his arms while singing. Look out world. Oh well it would have been nice if I was also able to find some real AA footage but alas no such luck. Has anyone else seen them on the tour they are on right now? They were incredible on the AA/Diabolical/Marduk tour when I saw them last so I assume they are going to be just as good if not better this time around.
Hahahah...that was HILARIOUS! Speaking of which, I was also informed that Jack Osbourne and his friends were at the Behemoth/AA/Deicide gig, drunk of their asses and rude. I HATE Jack Osbourne, from the first day I watched that show. Fat, spoiled little bitch you should have your arse kicked so hard you wouldn't be able to walk for 2 months...Swedish steel supreme!!!
yeah jack is a big fartknocker! if i were ozzys son id go around doing a bunch of cool shit and breaking the law instead of just sitting around being a faget... and what the hell would he be at a metal show for! i thought he listened to gay shit! hes always wearing tool shirts and all that crap... and he made the line-up for ozzfest a few years back and it was the gayest line-up ever... it had linkin-park and limp dick shit and all this dumb stuff... it used to be cool cause they had bad ass metal bands play there... the only cool thing that happened was obituary re-uinted and played a set in florida and that wasnt even jacks planning.... what a big fartknocker!
Tomasz said:
To me metal vidoes unless LIVE are useless/pointless.
Except for Satyricon's videos, of course. In "Mother North" there's a naked chick who eventually gets smeared in blood, and in "Fuel For Hatred" there's a naked chick playing with a large snake. Well worth seeing :loco:
Man what the hell is that? Anyhow i too am very gestual when listening to AA but at least im not filming myself and posting it on Kazaa :cool:
OPETH_DT said:
Dude.....I was at the Met Sunday night. Behemoth killed....better than on cd, and Amon Amarth should have headlined, like they got to in Montreal the next night.

Man I bought Behemoth's latest the other day, haven't heard it yet but I'm really excited. They rule spo hard.

As for music videos, aye Satryicon and Necrophagia are the best I've seen!
thats wierd, why would anyone want people to see them like that? nice headbanging, heh. too bad he doesnt know the words...

does anybody remember back on the old bravenet forums somebody was talking about how they were making a home made music video for victorious march? what ever happened with that?
gcele said:
Except for Satyricon's videos, of course. In "Mother North" there's a naked chick who eventually gets smeared in blood, and in "Fuel For Hatred" there's a naked chick playing with a large snake. Well worth seeing :loco:

Yeah!The lady "doing" in Mother North I know is the girlfriend of the singer!I heard in the next shows Olli will play naked... :tickled:
Hahaah yeah, I've heard that Olli will be naked in the next video too...because the Metal Blade management wants a bigger Housewife following for Amon Amarth!

It's too little good vidz in metal I think, what's the matter, is there not enough instructors or something? All the good stuff I've seen has been by artists such as Life of Agony, Type O Negative, new Sepultura etc. which isn't really metal in my eyes. Is there anywhere I can download Mother North (my favorite Satyricon song too btw)? I've been looking for Roadkill Extravaganza everywhere over here!
Patric said:
It's too little good vidz in metal I think, what's the matter, is there not enough instructors or something? All the good stuff I've seen has been by artists such as Life of Agony, Type O Negative, new Sepultura etc. which isn't really metal in my eyes. Is there anywhere I can download Mother North (my favorite Satyricon song too btw)? I've been looking for Roadkill Extravaganza everywhere over here!

I don't think there're not enough instructors or vid-people. I think it depends on the status of metal itself. This music isn't really 'mass-compatible'. In Sweden is a really big fanbase, in Germany too, but that's not enough(in realtion to the other music such as pop, hip hop etc.). I mean, which hip hopper wants to see Satyricon? Only metalheads would like to see it. And these people normally avoid MTV and the other ones, except the station is famous for showing metal. I don't know how it is in the foreign countries, but in Germany its this way.
That's the problem. I mean, which TV-station would show Hypocrisy or Satyricon or Immortal? They only want money, and so they're forced to play this pop/techno/hiphop-shit, 'cuz no other kind of music would bring the money. Okay, sometimes MTV brought some Iron Maiden stuff, but not the harder ones.

Because not many people like metal, and a vid-production still costs alot no publisher (Metal Blade, Nuclear Blast etc) would take the risk and let the band make one, except for DVDs or stuff, 'cuz they know the fans would buy it. And the band which want to make one must be really famous, 'cuz a vid is still a risk.

I mean, just go to your sis, bro or something like that and ask them how they see metal, but that only functions if they're not into it:) Okay, this test must be increased, but I don't think somebody here would go to the next teen and ask...:) A poll would be great too...
Next test: Go to the next music-store, to the next supermarket and to the next department store and look in the music department. Look after metal and then compare the size of the metal section with the one of pop compatible music. You'll propably see the difference. At least in Germany you'll see it:) Don't know how it relates in Sweden, Norway and other countries:)

Perhaps the AA guys could say something to this topic...when they would be here:)

Download Satyricon's Mother Nord? Try P2P progs such as WinMX, KaZaa Lite ('cuz the 'normal' version is spyware contaminated), EMule, EDonkey, Overnet. When you want Overnet and EDonkey in one programm, download the Overnet HYBRID. A 'normal' http or ftp server I haven't found:( so the P2P version is a real solution.

Hope, its understandable and no thought misses:)