Ample Destruction Metalcore version question


Dec 27, 2005
Hi Panzerheads!

I'll get right down to meat of my question - I have the option of buying the Metalcore version of Ample Destruction - and I have heard this one is one of the few "non-bootleg" versions of the album. I am going to pay a hefty price for it though if I decide on buying...

So I was wondering - do any of you (and input from bandmembers would be GREAT!) own that particular version? If so - how does it sound - especially compared to the Metal Blade edition?

BTW My first post here! Greetings from Poland!
I have the Metalcore version with the samurai on the cover. I guess this is the best version as it features Black Sunday and Eyes of the Night. :notworthy
And I really like the cover.
The CD sounds very good, but I can't compare it to other releases.

I did not pay that much money for it. About 15€ + shipping for the CD in near mint condition. Check ebay instead of paying too much!
Thanks for the quick response!

The only thing I am bothered with is the production/sound values - I do not want my CD to be obsolete when the reissue (fingers crossed) comes.
I've got the No Poser version (including the Tyrants EP) as well, cheap packaging for sure but it is a bootleg after all so... Does anyone know if this one is bootlegged from the Metal Blade cd or some other pressing? Because the sound here is quite good IMO and if the Metal Blade version is even better I want to have it.

Although what I'd really want to have is Joey Tafolla's head on a spike...:heh:
As I said, in my opinion the Metalcore releases sounds great. Go get it!

For if you're hoping for a re-release and therefore not getting an older one you won't own a copy of Ample Destruction until your very end. ;)
Okay - small additional question. This would be to elTob. Does your booklet of the CD contain only a picture of the band and the logo? I am talking about the inner sleeve of the artwork.