an Ode to my Tofutti

insatiable! ta-
king, seething, perpetual
taste for innocent

bleeding. impercept-
ible. inhuman feeeeeling
malevolent lust

never yielding. wea-
ving in and out of insane
dreams, i can't under-

stand whats become of
me. memories of joy ve-
hememtly scorned. where

when why did i be-
come so torn? pleasures of the
past hold no interest

to me now. i writhe
in a tempest of thoughts so
foul. nobody knooowwws

just what i need, un-
til its too late for them to
see. i'm a killer.

one fucked up mother
fucker! i'm a killer, smi-
ling as i take a-

nother! i'm a kill-
errrrrrr. can't control my needs. i'm
a killer, the weak-

est of the week. rawr.
feces feces feces fe-
ces feces feces

(sorry i was bored. two of my old songs, one being very stupid, mixed together as one as a haiku. going through that i feel like the guy on conan o'brien that does the stupid nonsensical nonrhythmic baseball chants :lol: )