MajestikMøøse Membrum virile Jul 28, 2003 22,234 303 83 Not Siberia Feb 11, 2005 #2,681 Christianity: Catholic or Protestant, They are all homoes
MajestikMøøse Membrum virile Jul 28, 2003 22,234 303 83 Not Siberia Feb 11, 2005 #2,682 Say everybody: How about those little boys? Being a priest would rule.
MajestikMøøse Membrum virile Jul 28, 2003 22,234 303 83 Not Siberia Feb 11, 2005 #2,683 Come someone henceforth! My genitalia aches I need a blowjob
MajestikMøøse Membrum virile Jul 28, 2003 22,234 303 83 Not Siberia Feb 11, 2005 #2,684 This thread needs boobies. Maybe I shouldn't post mine. but maybe I should...
MajestikMøøse Membrum virile Jul 28, 2003 22,234 303 83 Not Siberia Feb 11, 2005 #2,685 I would like some milk From the Milkman's wife's tits.... *snort* I would like some milk....
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Feb 11, 2005 #2,686 I am bored at work I would rather be at home napping with poopy
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Feb 11, 2005 #2,687 Used my last dollar to buy some hostess cupcakes. Guess that was my lunch
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Feb 11, 2005 #2,688 Now I'm-a fartin'! My bowels are all gasseous, but not so stinky.
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Feb 11, 2005 #2,690 Hi chunks o' poo pants!! I'm bored and just sitting here, because its lunch time.
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Feb 11, 2005 #2,691 Its that time again- For my afternoon pooping! uh oh! fecal dust!
Tide In Mind Out ct_thrash Mar 5, 2002 24,291 289 83 Feb 11, 2005 #2,692 i need to poop too my guts have been rumbling bad from too little sleep
Tide In Mind Out ct_thrash Mar 5, 2002 24,291 289 83 Feb 11, 2005 #2,693 now i will shower so that i will *not* stink of poo when you get home
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Feb 11, 2005 #2,694 I just spent the last 45 minutes fixing the xerox machine I tried copying 100 pages of stuff and that just killed it I 'MEH!' at the sign that says PLEASE ONLY 20 PAGES AT A TIME ha, I am finding great ways to avoid working all that much today.
I just spent the last 45 minutes fixing the xerox machine I tried copying 100 pages of stuff and that just killed it I 'MEH!' at the sign that says PLEASE ONLY 20 PAGES AT A TIME ha, I am finding great ways to avoid working all that much today.
Tide In Mind Out ct_thrash Mar 5, 2002 24,291 289 83 Feb 11, 2005 #2,695 someone got a flat square box in the mail today HMM HMM HMMM HMM HMM (don't worry i haven't opened it) :hotjump:
someone got a flat square box in the mail today HMM HMM HMMM HMM HMM (don't worry i haven't opened it) :hotjump:
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Feb 11, 2005 #2,696 yay a flat square box! that must mean someone mailed me: a sheet of tape worms!!
Tide In Mind Out ct_thrash Mar 5, 2002 24,291 289 83 Feb 11, 2005 #2,697 i opened it, yes sheets and sheets of tape worms woo, wearing swastikas NAZZZII TAPEWORMS
Tide In Mind Out ct_thrash Mar 5, 2002 24,291 289 83 Feb 11, 2005 #2,698 they came early i was putting my pants on and a big nazi spider fell out of them!!! it tickled my toeeeessss. and now it's hiding in my pile of clean laundry
they came early i was putting my pants on and a big nazi spider fell out of them!!! it tickled my toeeeessss. and now it's hiding in my pile of clean laundry
MajestikMøøse Membrum virile Jul 28, 2003 22,234 303 83 Not Siberia Feb 15, 2005 #2,700 Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries. Jewel case not included. Jews.