An open letter to whomever sketches out the setlist for the upcoming Anthrax tour:


Feb 7, 2002
DC area
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When Stomp 442 came out and Anthrax toured, out of 16 songs in the set, 6 were from the latest LP.

Wouldn't mind if history repeated itself. Play 6 songs from WM please.

Thank you..come again.
I have absolutely no problem with Anti, got the time, caught in a mosh, only etc. It's just that when a new LP is released, it only seems logical that you tour on the heels of the latest LP and showcase your latest tunes on the road. Anthrax certainly felt that way in December of 1995 when they played in Georgetown. Check out this set list off that tour:

Random Acts of Senseless Violence
King Size
Got the Time
(Joe Jackson*cover)
Caught in a Mosh
Hy Pro Glo
In a Zone
Room For One More
In My World
Riding Shotgun
Protest and Survive
Bring the Noise
The New York show set was short but sweet. It is ironic that two of their hits are covers. o_O My favorite song out of PoT is Gridlock, and from SoE, Be All, End all (that album has many other good songs; unfortunately, 99% of people think the album is "bad"-including the band, from some notes I've read-, when it certainly isn't. Schism is nice, and so are many of the songs on SoE, which are a bit better than Antisocial. But Antisocial became the hit. :( Still, on that show they played 3-4 songs of the new album, right, Mr. Alexstomp? I actually forgot :)P) but I am sure they played the first three songs of Worship Music.

I am sorry you lost your wristband during the aforementioned show, BTW. I didn't see it at all. :(
State of Euphoria is great, but definitely my least favorite of the old stuff w/ Joey.

I wonder if it is that I grew up with an LP version of SoE, but I've been listening to it from beginning to end (on Misery Loves Company right now) and this was really a great album, very fun and thrashy. I do like it more than PoT; the latter is at times much slower, and too "advanced." I guess I like simpler thrash the most. PoT is good, though, and so is Worship Music. But I just cannot say that State of Euphoria sucks at any other level than the way it was mastered (I am listening to it heavily equalized, but still, it wasn't THAT badly recorded-the solos sound so distant, though.)
They're doing at least 4 songs off Worship Music: Earth On Hell, Devil You Know, Fight 'Em, and In The End. I'd like to see one or two in addition to those.
The problem with bands with long careers is that something will always be "left out", so sacrifices must be done. 4 new songs is actually a lot of material from the new album, and two of those songs are superb, future "classics", IMHO (Earth on Hell, Fight 'Em Til You Can't). (Earth on Hell-I would have never expected such a great Thrasher from modern Anthrax, and it is the type of song I wish they wrote more.) As it is, them playing "only" these 4 songs is good enough for me (they should play unexpected classics as well, IMHO!)
They're doing at least 4 songs off Worship Music: Earth On Hell, Devil You Know, Fight 'Em, and In The End. I'd like to see one or two in addition to those.

Agreed. I'd like those one or two songs to be The Giant and ... Judas Priest/Revolution Screams/I'm Alive. If they REALLY believe in this record, they should go out there and represent!
Also; I'd like it if they didn't play GTT and Antisocial ... In addition, I'd like to hear some old songs that they haven't played for a while, like Gung Ho!
Agreed. I'd like those one or two songs to be The Giant and ... Judas Priest/Revolution Screams/I'm Alive. If they REALLY believe in this record, they should go out there and represent!
Also; I'd like it if they didn't play GTT and Antisocial ... In addition, I'd like to hear some old songs that they haven't played for a while, like Gung Ho!

Yes I've been wanting Gung Ho back for ages now too. Thought it would've been a great tune for the Big 4 shows!!!
Why not just do what Iron Maiden did with a Matter of Life & Death and just play the whole album live?


Actually I would pay to see Anthrax do the entire POT album live with Joey one night and then get John to do the whole SOWN album live the following night :)

OK I've been in the sun too much today hence the deluded post.
I don't think they'll play all of Worship Music live, but I'd like to hear as much as possible. Keep It In The Family, In My World and Belly of The Beast would be great too! I'm very interested to see if they'll play more newer stuff with Joey like Charlie said.
I have absolutely no problem with Anti, got the time, caught in a mosh, only etc. It's just that when a new LP is released, it only seems logical that you tour on the heels of the latest LP and showcase your latest tunes on the road. Anthrax certainly felt that way in December of 1995 when they played in Georgetown. Check out this set list off that tour:

Random Acts of Senseless Violence
King Size
Got the Time
(Joe Jackson*cover)
Caught in a Mosh
Hy Pro Glo
In a Zone
Room For One More
In My World
Riding Shotgun
Protest and Survive
Bring the Noise

What the fuck? You can't be serious - THIS was the set?
I'm hoping they play no more than 4 new songs and the rest old shit.

I agree... I would be happy if they only play Fight Em and The Devil You Know off the new album.. Definately no more than 3 or 4 songs. I also want to hear Got The Tme AND Anti-Social.. I haven't seen these guys since the SOWN tour.

Songs I definately would like to see.

Fight Em
Devil You Know
Caught In A Mosh
I'm the Man/Bring the Noise
Be All End All
Now It's Dark
Intro to Reality/Belly of the Beast
Got The Time
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath