and in other weird news


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
when i was on said commuter rail train yesterday i called my mom and she mentioned to me that she is almost positive that she heard a motw song being played on "The Rock" 106.9 WCCC yesterday. I told her it was impossible but she remains convinced that she heard a song that sounded like it had us playing guitar and Byron singing. So she said she tried calling the radio station for a while to see if it was actually us but couldn't get through to anyone.
just a quick update on this:

Upon furthur investigation with my sister and brother-in law who actually heard what was apparently our song on the radio, it was in fact 107.7 WFCS that was playing it and not WCCC.

I guess my mom mixed up the two and called WCCC anyway which is some quality street team work anyway.

So if it was WFCS then I am guessing it could very well have been us since i know for a fact they have our cds and i think we almost played a show at CCSU for them.