And the winner is..(Nightwish)

This is from the Alyson Avenue website, this shows some class.

It´s with pride, enthusiasm and love that we wish you all the best in your position as the new lead vocalist in Nightwish. We know what you´re capable of, and we know that you will kick ass!!!!

This will be a new tough experience for you, but most of all a fun journey, and you will do more than well for sure.

We have had a lot of fun together through the years and we are here as friends forever.

It´s very hard to find enough words to express the emotions but...
HUGS AND KISSES from your old bandmates!!!

And to the rest of Nightwish: You have for sure picked the best girl to front Nightwish or any other band in the world.


(Ei saa peittää! KIPPIS!)
Did anyone else notice a "news" article yesterday from some band proclaiming their singer was not the Nightwish singer despite "numerous" rumours. It was a pretty obvious stunt to get traffic to their site so people would check them out. I didn't bother but someone said the vocalist sounded absolutely nothing like the Eva sample. Kind of sad.
Did anyone else notice a "news" article yesterday from some band proclaiming their singer was not the Nightwish singer despite "numerous" rumours. It was a pretty obvious stunt to get traffic to their site so people would check them out. I didn't bother but someone said the vocalist sounded absolutely nothing like the Eva sample. Kind of sad.

I'm not asking you to post the band (I didn't see the article) but if that is all indeed the case, then that is pretty bad. Anything for some press right?
Sounds good. Looks good. I've only heard one song so far, so I'm going to keep an open mind and I look forward to seeing what she can do. I'm not going to assume that she's the next Floor Jansen or that she couldn't project her way out of a paper bag with the heavy songs. Congrats and best wishes to Annette and the boys in Nightwish! :headbang:
This will do nothing but turn into another Ripper/Barlow on-going discussion.

The girl's got a great voice, that's all that matters. The fact that she's cute is just a bonus, has nothing to do with her singing ability.

I liked the tunes on myspace, but I like plain old good rock and roll too. There's nothing wrong with those tunes, especially the first one.

Bottom line is the Tarja fans will always reject ANY replacement. Hell I bet if Barlow was the new singer people would balk :p hehehhe
This will do nothing but turn into another Ripper/Barlow on-going discussion.

The girl's got a great voice, that's all that matters. The fact that she's cute is just a bonus, has nothing to do with her singing ability.

I liked the tunes on myspace, but I like plain old good rock and roll too. There's nothing wrong with those tunes, especially the first one.

Bottom line is the Tarja fans will always reject ANY replacement. Hell I bet if Barlow was the new singer people would balk :p hehehhe

Yep, there are a bunch of people already saying "I'm done with this band" and blah blah blah. I don't consider those people fans of the band to begin with giving up after one ballad.
1. She is gorgeous
2. She sounds great
3. She seems even-keeled and void of a huge ego
4. She "fits" with the band - at least it looks that way

Off topic: Grey - I agree, nobody sings like Ann Wilson. :worship: Ok, the wife and I are HUGE fans, so we're a tad bias....
If the guys of Nightwish think that Annette is the best person to sing with their band, then I will take it that they know what they're talking about - seeing that it is their band. Annette might not have the exact same range or even the same look as Tarja (although I do think she is very beautiful and much more approachable looking than Tarja), but it's not us who has to write, record and deal with this woman on a daily basis. When choosing who you want to be in a band with all those factors come into play.

I think as others have stated it's a good idea for us to all cool down a bit and wait until we have a little more to base our opinions off of. I can say that I like what I have heard so far, but I'm not making any final judgments until I've heard the album or at the very least a few more full songs.
Well, in the diary she did say there was a song that required her to sing higher than she's used to so I assumed she wasn't your typical soprano voice.

I'm really liking her pipes on "Free Like the Wind" at her band's page:

Her voice is so super crisp, clean, and powerful. It's more AOR-friendly than Tarja's, so it will be interesting to see how it translates into the new Nightwish material.
I love the choice! She seems to be a very sweet person and hotter than hell to boot. Damn, I love those cheek bones!

I don't understand how anyone can comment on her personality--we will only know when the "secret" news starts coming out about her--or if a reporter tries to dig up dirt from her former band members.

The pictures show her as hot--and I trust the band on her talent.

Even if she is not as talented as Tarja, the band must know she is a better team player.
I think this whole publicity stunt is silly... they wait and wait to release the name of the new vocalist -- as if it's some sort of earth-shattering band shakeup -- and then, when they finally do, it's someone that none of us have heard of. Although, at the same time, I have to give them some props, for going with a 36-year-old... it seems like most of these bands hire the late-teens/early-20s cute little girls to sing in their band, for aesthetic purposes.

My thoughts exactly. Anyways I'm just glad this soap opera stuff is over. I would have thought though, after all the problems they had with dedication from Tarja, they would have learned their lesson and picked someone who was more involved with the style of music they play (Tarja didn't even like metal from what I understand).
I don't understand how anyone can comment on her personality--we will only know when the "secret" news starts coming out about her--or if a reporter tries to dig up dirt from her former band members.

The pictures show her as hot--and I trust the band on her talent.

Even if she is not as talented as Tarja, the band must know she is a better team player.
Because I watched the video and I read the interview with her. I can give her the benefit of the doubt. Can't I?
I'm still holding my opinion till I hear more. I may like her voice better, but going to have to hear something more to decide. She looks nice with the band. We've already got tickets for NW later this year, so I guess I'll see first hand. I hope it works for them. A lot of people think that NW has already jumped the shark. We'll see with the next album.