And the winner is..(Nightwish)

I'm far more inclined to pay attention to Nightwish now than I ever was with Tarja in the band. For me, grabbing Oceanborn and Wishmaster was the exploration of a curiosity based on raves I'd read online. Unfortunately those discs -- and anything I checked out beyond that -- never stuck with me on any level, because ultimately I've never cared for Tarja's operatic voice all that much. Adding Annette may end up in some sort of sonic shift for Nightwish, but all things considered, maybe it's what they need, and perhaps more so, what they wanted anyway. Regardless, I'll be keeping my ears open for the new material...
I think the woman Anette will have a chameleon voice, able to transition to whatever style. I don't care for the music from the myspace page but I think from the examples I can tell she will be very versatile, able to do whatever style they need. She has a very very clean voice, fantastic control, and great technique.
Hah! Im opposite of most. I always loved the music of Nightwish but found Tarja's voice annoying for most of the melodies.

Being a fan of Alyson Avenue.......this is great news for me! :kickass:
MUCH hotter than Tarja. HATE the poppy-bullshit songs from the myspace page, can barely wait to hear how she handles the NW discography.

The myspace page says her band is in the same genre as Heart.
This is way off topic, but Ann Wilson would have been a replacement with a sound a lot closer to Tarja....

I know I know, forget I just typed that.

Ann Wilson is amazing:headbang: whats wrong with that?
Hah! Im opposite of most. I always loved the music of Nightwish but found Tarja's voice annoying for most of the melodies.
:lol: I feel ya, DrumRman! Due to her high range, I have found Tarja difficult to understand on many Nightwish songs. DemonOfTheWoods has affectionately termed her "The Owl," because she sounds like she is hooting most of the time. :lol: (I know I'm going to catch hell from all the fanboys/girls for that, but whatever. :rolleyes:) Even though I sometimes found her difficult to understand, that never stopped me from liking Nightwish.
I personally think that Annette's voice has the potential to be much more powerful - although we won't know for sure until we all hear a little more.
I think we won't really know until the next album. Tuomas has said in the past he writes with his singer in mind. He wrote this album before Anette was around so did he write the album for the type of vocalist he was looking for or was he still writing for Tarja's voice? I still trust that the music will be up to par and the CD may just be spectacular still but if it isn't, I'm not going to jump ship because of one album.
Nightwish has always been about the music for me. I loved Tarja's voice as well but her voice isn't what put Nightwish in the top 5 of my favourite bands. Seeing them live at L'amours is what did that. I really hate how some people are saying they're just any other female fronted band now.