And The Winner Is....

Oct 13, 2002
The Womb Of WA
ME!!! Why? Because I am in the process of selling my "Blackwater Park" CD and getting 85% back of what I bought it for new. This album is not interesting at all. Its kinda sad that Opeth can pretty much shit on a paper plate and most of their fans would adore it. :mad:

Please note that this is my opinion, and it is subject to change at anytime without warning.
Originally posted by KielbasaSausage
man, to say that blackwater park is shit on a plate is beyond my beliefs. but its your opinion, and your opinion is hopefully is not the common opinion. try making music like that and then i will respect your opinion.

What, make boring repetitious bland music? That release was a HUGE step back from the previous two albums.
Originally posted by A Journeys End
ME!!! Why? Because I am in the process of selling my "Blackwater Park" CD and getting 85% back of what I bought it for new. This album is not interesting at all. Its kinda sad that Opeth can pretty much shit on a paper plate and most of their fans would adore it. :mad:

Please note that this is my opinion, and it is subject to change at anytime without warning.

i smell a troll.
Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
Last I heard Wal-Mart was had exclusive rights to it, pretty much like they do everything else. Anyone else feel Wal-Mart is out to conquer the world? :eek:
Originally posted by Opethfan1980
"Its kinda sad that Opeth can pretty much shit on a paper plate and most of their fans would adore it."

It's kinda sad how some people can't comprehend that others might not share their opinion.

Its also sad that some of you Opeth fans can get all worked up over my opinion :eek:

Can you honestly tell me you think "B Park" is superior to "Still Life" and/or "MAYH"? Sorry, but when a band I like reaches a certain level I don't like to hear them regress. With "B Park" I hear nothing but the band going through the motions of making another album. And not even a good album at that. Same situation happened with Meshuggah on "Chaosphere" (IMO). Now, I didn't care for the new Vintersorg at all, but I can at least appreciate they tried something new with their music. I do not hear any "progression" in "B Park", none at all.
Originally posted by Opethfan1980

It's kinda sad how some people can't comprehend that others might not share their opinion.

I can comprehend just fine. And I'm sure I'll get a non-biased, open minded opinion on Opeth from a guy named "OpethFan1980". :rolleyes: