And The Winner Is....

Originally posted by JesusChristPose
I respect your opinion, but I do have a question to ask you.

What are some cds that you do recommend, ones that unlike your description of BWP?

Well, I'm going to need more information. I've got 5,000 cds, what style of metal are you wanting me to recommend? Or are you just looking for my top 5-10 albums type thing?
Originally posted by JesusChristPose
I respect your opinion, but I do have a question to ask you.

What are some cds that you do recommend, ones that unlike your description of BWP?

Greatest album ever is ANATHEMA "The Silent Enigma". Opeth "BWP" couldn't touch this masterpiece in any way, shape, or form. So there you go Opeth fans, you've got some ammo to fire back with if you have something against Anathema :D
Originally posted by A Journeys End
Greatest album ever is ANATHEMA "The Silent Enigma". Opeth "BWP" couldn't touch this masterpiece in any way, shape, or form. So there you go Opeth fans, you've got some ammo to fire back with if you have something against Anathema :D

Umm - I don't think ammo is necessary when comparing opinions. I think (I may be naive here) when you state your opinion - that's it. No rebuttal, no competition.

So - you go ahead and enjoy Anathema while I go enjoy Opeth. And wouldn't that make us both happy?
Way to be a pretentious elitist hypocrite, A Journey's End. I find it amusing that you are so quick to scorn someone for only having 28 posts, when you, yourself, have fewer than 200; here, that is not very many. Intelligence and wisdom are not directly varied with a person's postcount, and from what information I have seen, IntoObscurity has more of both than you.

First, things that are strictly opinions cannot be argued. If you use facts to argue, and define "good" in definite terms that both parties can accept, then you have an argument with a basis.

For something to regress, it must go back to what it was. Opeth are not at all returning to any previous existence. Since BWP is not like anything previously released, it is also not stagnant. Therefore it is progression, whether you like it or not.

I think you are missing the point of what IntoObscurity is trying to say. He is telling you that your entire post is merely an attempt to get attention, and that all you want to do is stir up some anger, because you disagree with the "real" Opeth fans. So what if you don't like Blackwater Park. If you are going to say something, why not say something that actually has some content? Offer a reason why, instead of saying vague things like it lacks "progression" or it's "bland".

Lastly, there is actually alot to Blackwater Park, and there isn't as much repetition as you may think. Still Life has just as much repetition as Blackwater Park. It's just that BWP focusses more on chords than Still Life, so the non-repetition isn't as obvious. Maybe you should actually listen to an album before judging it. If you call it more repetetive than Still Life and MAYH, then you obviously haven't been paying attention.
Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames
I find it amusing that you are so quick to scorn someone for only having 28 posts, when you, yourself, have fewer than 200; here, that is not very many.
If he wants to run the board and tell people what are ok topics to post, and what are bad topics, make him the moderator. He attacked my post basically calling it crap, pointless, so I responded. I asked what message boards are for, and he later replied "this board is for discussion...".... well, thats what I'm doing, discussing :eek:

it is also not stagnant. Therefore it is progression, whether you like it or not.
Like hell its not stagnant! Boring beyond belief, STALE! I hear absolutely NO emotion in that album, NONE. It doesn't hold my attention at all, the songs aren't crafted as well as past records, I feel like I'm punishing myself when I listen to it.

I think you are missing the point of what IntoObscurity is trying to say. He is telling you that your entire post is merely an attempt to get attention
Maybe there was some miscommunication there with what he was saying. Suuuure, it was for the attention :rolleyes: cause you know how everyone just LOVES negative attention!

all you want to do is stir up some anger, because you disagree with the "real" Opeth fans.
So I'm not a "real" Opeth fan because I don't like "BWP"? Please define "real" Opeth fan... Someone who likes everything a band release regardless of musical content? Or someone who is obviously non-bias, with the words "I Like Opeth" in their profile, such as yourself?

Maybe you should actually listen to an album before judging it.
How many times should I listen to it before making a judgement call? Is there a magic number? Or is it until I like it, through repetition?
Originally posted by A Journeys End
Like hell its not stagnant! Boring beyond belief, STALE! I hear absolutely NO emotion in that album, NONE. It doesn't hold my attention at all, the songs aren't crafted as well as past records, I feel like I'm punishing myself when I listen to it.
We've established you don't like the album, quite a few people dont. But you're still talking in very subjective terms (emotions, attention) and presenting them as objective facts.

BWP is probably my least favourite opeth album, but its still good, it has different strengths to previous albums, they just arent exactly what i want in music so it doesnt click and it gets a bit boring..... to me. Yes to me, not to everyone, not because the album is necessarily bad, its because it doesnt suit my needs from music. Its obvious this isnt the case for many many people though, so im not gonna make the mistake of confusing objective and subjective things.

But yes, well done on a good sale of an album you dont like, i can never be bothered selling old CDs so they just accumulate and collect dust.
A Journeys End,

I kind of agree with you. BWP is the weakest Opeth album.
However, there are still moments. As far as people saying it's progression, perhaps... however not every progression a band makes is necessarily a good one (see any metal band that has been around for more than 10 years)...

The problem with posting an opinion like you did is that a lot of the people on this forum are easily offended and aren't really smart enough to argue intelligently.

In fact, you'll notice that a lot of people on this forum only started listening to Opeth when BWP came out. It's kind of like people who started to listen to Metallica after the Black album came out and then they run back and buy all the old albums... I've always considered most of these people to be bandwagon fans...

One more thing - Silent Enigma is a really good cd (yes, I own it).
It starts off like Metallica, only like 10x as heavy!! To be honest I don't listen to it that much anymore (I'll have to go back into my library and pull it out). To me it's not as special as most of what Opeth has done.
To put it shortly, A Journeys End, you are a fool. You misunderstood nearly everything you replied to that I said.

Originally posted by A Journeys End
If he wants to run the board and tell people what are ok topics to post, and what are bad topics, make him the moderator. He attacked my post basically calling it crap, pointless, so I responded. I asked what message boards are for, and he later replied "this board is for discussion...".... well, thats what I'm doing, discussing

That was not at all the point of what I was saying. I was simply saying that you seem to think that a person's post-count means something. Usually it is no more than a way to guage how many inside jokes a person knows.

Like hell its not stagnant! Boring beyond belief, STALE! I hear absolutely NO emotion in that album, NONE. It doesn't hold my attention at all, the songs aren't crafted as well as past records, I feel like I'm punishing myself when I listen to it.

I was not referring to whether the album itself sounds stagnant, rather, I was referring to stagnation in musical progression. If Opeth had been stagnant with BWP, it would have sounded like Still Life 2.

Maybe there was some miscommunication there with what he was saying. Suuuure, it was for the attention cause you know how everyone just LOVES negative attention!

You mean to tell me that you never get a thrill out of making people annoyed, or having everyone disagree with you? Judging from the nature of your posts, I find it hard to believe that you don't.

So I'm not a "real" Opeth fan because I don't like "BWP"? Please define "real" Opeth fan... Someone who likes everything a band release regardless of musical content? Or someone who is obviously non-bias, with the words "I Like Opeth" in their profile, such as yourself?

This is possibly your most rediculous statement thus far. Did you not notice the quotation marks around the word "real"? I was implying that the '"real" Opeth fans' are the ones who claim to be the "real" fans. They tend to be rather elitist, as many people with strict listening tastes do. Yes, a "real" Opeth fan is a person who places literally everything Opeth have done above every other type of music. Of course there are many who love all of Opeth's work and aren't "real" Opeth fans, I myself love all of their albums, though I certainly don't find them to be without flaws of their own. What I was trying to say, which you obviously didn't realize, was that your post seemed to be you mocking those elitists who believe that Opeth can do no wrong. I agree with you that that is a silly position to take regarding Opeth, however, your post was pretentious and pointless; existing merely to see people get shocked that you didn't like BWP. Are you proud of yourself? Also, you evidently didn't catch this, but my bio: "I like Opeth" is a joke. Everyone knows I like Opeth; that's why I am here.

How many times should I listen to it before making a judgement call? Is there a magic number? Or is it until I like it, through repetition?

The number is however many times it takes until you have listened to everything the album has to offer. I don't doubt that you heard the album many times; what I doubt is that you ever payed much attention.

Next time, why not try to understand what a person is saying before you make a fool out of yourself in your response?