Anders Friden back in DT!!!!

GONE Ridin' Hood

Jul 8, 2005
I just read this from In Flames's official webpage (still can't believe it o_O ):

Anders Friden,now former member of In Flames, announced yesterday that he is leaving the band for good. The decision, he said, was taken when having a chat with Mikael Stanne and Niklas Sundin in Gothenburg, shortly after they arrived form their North American Tour with Opeth, Devin Townsend Band and Devildriver. After they ended the conversation, they came to an agreement in which Anders will be, once again, Dark Tranquillity's singer.

"I really wanted to be back in DT, and I will try to maintain DT's style, but fans can expect a lot of Hardcore and Metalcore influences", said Anders after giving an exclusive interview to

He also mentioned that Martin Brandstorm will be leaving the band if Anders is in it :cry: :cry: . Also, Mikael Stanne will be playing the guitar once again.

This certainly will bring huge changes in both In Flames and Dark Tranquillity, but fans can only expect the best.

Yeah, that was a lame try. Booooo! :lol: I made a better one (I hope) at the forum of a band from our town, Depresy, that Emperor are confirmed for this years Brutal Assault. We will see what happens. :)
The problem is that in order for an april fool's joke to work, it has to withstand some level of realism. That one didn't. Still, fuckin' good one Bloodred!
RampageSword said:
The problem is that in order for an april fool's joke to work, it has to withstand some level of realism. That one didn't. Still, fuckin' good one Bloodred!

Haha I know, I'll do better next time (or I could make another post. . .). Haha LOL thanx :p !
and you have to pronunce 'timely' the way amorphis do, so nobody will be able to understand what you are saying :p
rahvin said:
that, and a little late in some countries. ;)

i think my aphorism for the day is "there is no such thing as a timely evil".

True true, in my country it's somewhere around Dezember.
That was the worst ever april joke!!!! My heart nearly stopped there! I was of coourse the only one who believed it. Hahaha
i'm now thinking of 'amorphis' and 'aphorism' as a single word, thanks to rahvin. :p