SM bands making it huge

Wolfman Von Jones

The trouble with you
Dec 6, 2001
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It would be odd if the European bands(In Flames, DT, Opeth, Children of Bodom,etc,etc) got huge. Would they put out their own magazines like NSYNC and The Back Street Boys do? Will 12 y/o girls say "Wow that Anders Friden, and Mikael Stanne are so hot, they are dream boats?"
Of course... I think it's just a matter of time till all teen girls discover the hottest boy-band (literally speaking always ;)) ever, Dark Tranquillity... :hotjump:
And i do know some 20year-old girls who say things like: "Wow that Anders Friden, and Mikael Stanne are so hot, they are dream boats" :rolleyes: :p

Siren (out of her mind..)
Yeah, it'll be funny if it ever happen.
Teeny-bop girls prefer the gay-looking boy bands over the rough and tough death metal dudes. Plus death metal bleeds their virgin ears. :)
SM = Sadist-Masochist?

And what's a dream boat? The small ship of Sandman? Or is it the one from which the uncle fell?

-Villain (remember that the gods help the sailor, but he needs to row himself)
Originally posted by Siren
Of course... I think it's just a matter of time till all teen girls discover the hottest boy-band (literally speaking always ;)) ever, Dark Tranquillity...

i thought you were talking about me... :cry: :p

anyway, bands like these either never had a cutting edge, or they lost it real soon. no matter how much a band from the underground scene gets big, it rarely solicits mass approval: iron maiden are well-known and praised, but don't really resemble music-industry teenage idols, after all.

rahvin. (unsure of his identity)
I think most teeny-boppers like the ugly people (like the boy bands and Leo *yuck*); they won't appreciate the truly good-looking death metal guys.

Hmm... when I was around 12, I thought death metal guys were hot; I still think so now... :grin:

Very few people I know think that way... but that is okay with me. That means I will have a choice of hot guys... as if there are any death metal guys in my hometown. :cry:
me would love all humanity worshipping dark tranquillity....for no special reason though :p

fathervic (indeed, for no special reason)
maybe not all humanity but a little bit more fanbase than they actually have would be nice, that way I could share my excitement about the new album with more people than the usual two metalheads I talk to around hear (and by the way, one of them doesn't like Dt and the other one prefers in flames :rolleyes: )