Anders Friden making digs at DT

Twice in Dublin I overheard Anders Friden making digs at DarkTranquillity. The first was at the signing when my friend got his baby's bib signed by the band!! The child was asleep and Anders said "he must have been listening to Dark Tranquillity".

The second was at the gig in Dublin when he said something similar on stage.

What's the story? I thought the bands were good friends. I sure hope this was some friendly poking of fun but it seemed a little acidic to me.

Here's hoping it was nothing but a bit of fun.
Well, experience has told us that sometimes you have great respect for musicians or singers until you hear them talk. I genuinely dont care, if he thinks he has to make jokes or comments like that, by all means he may go ahead.
I quote our ex-chancellor:"I believe that everyone has the right and should be given the opportunity to discredit himself"
you mean Gerhard Schröder?

Yea Schröder said that, aimed at Oscar Lafontaine, who, at that point was still a member of the SPD but already preparing his guerilla war on the system by supporting the monday-demonstrations and making a remarkable fool of himself
I've disliked Friden for a long long time now.

Yeah he was probably being light hearted with DT jokes, but then, DT weren't around to hear them and respond. So it's automatically bitching by default. Fullstop. Friden is not only a fame hungry prostitute, but he also talks shit.

I'm glad I decided not to waste money on watching him prance around on stage like some 16 year old angsty adolescent retard thats been into metal (or should I say emo) for a few weeks and has only heard the new Bullet for my chemical Limpkorn Biscuit songs on kerrang.
He was just joking. It doesn't matter anyway, because for some reason I can't see the DT crew caring much if he was being serious.
Whatever, the guy felt like saying some bad taste joke and he did. I don't even care if he was being serious or not.

A - If he was being serious, I'd simply ignore this childish and idiotic individual who commited an act of absolute pointlessness.

B - If we wasn't being serious, well..."haha" (said without any emotion and in the strongest sarcastic tone possible).