Anders Friden making digs at DT

people loved me more when i used to sign every stupid post with my stupid user name. also i was probably kinder. younger. better-looking. more socially acceptable. used to drink less. helped small animals to cross the road. happier?

definitely less inclined to use the erk emoticon.
RampageSword said:
I fear to ask what do you mean by "playing with squirrels"...

watch them as they run away from me at the speed of light as soon as i start lurching towards them with open arms and calling "squirrel!" in a high-pitched voice and rolling my r's too much.
UndoControl said:
I said that because of the content, not because of the style (i also admire his style of writing, actually). And no, i won't follow him as a messiah (come on, i'm trying to overthrow him here). :D

OH NO!!! Take the Shaman-troll down! Take him down!!! :Saint:
UndoControl said:
Bloodred: Nevah! Bow down before me and tremble under my crushing power! *evil laughter goes here* Or you could join my team.

(Insert hero-like voice): I will never help you on your nefarius needs!!! Never!!! :heh: :heh: :heh:
Oh, come on... you're as much a hero as this guy: