Andy: 5150 vs 5150 II


So why not moving?
Dec 20, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
I remember this question to have been answered here, but the search function is disabled due to the recently caused loads in UM's database, could someone sum up the differences briefly, or simply tell what your experience revealed about both of these amps?
OK The main difference is that the 5150 II has separte EQ dials for both ch1 and ch2 where the 5150 only has EQ dials that are shared between the two channels. Some say the 5150 is slightly heavier sounding that the 5150 II in it's voicing too.

The 6505=5150 and 6505+=5150II
only the name has changed supposedly
Yeah but they forego to tell you that the 5150 models will be worth more simply for the name. In enough time people will conjure up some bullshit stories about the manufacturing process of the 6505 being inferior to the 'good ol' 5150 and voila... the price jumps exponentially.

That and having the 5150 emblazed larger than the Peavey logo on the head itself is much better I feel.

But anyway, please continue comparing the two models. I'm interested in whether there's any more difference than a shared EQ.
Hi all, I picked up a new 5150 I and II from Peavey at the tail end of last year, IMHO the sounds are noticably different between the two, I prefer the I, sounds more tubey / bluesy / less compressed than the mkII (if that makes sense, best way I can describe it!)
I just A/B'd the two yesterday! My II has a 12at7 in the last tube slot though so there is a difference there. But with that mod I could barely hear a difference between the two. The I has a little more low end and a little more of a mid presence but it was so close that I decided either could be dialed to sound great.
