Andy Sneap about Melodyne...

you just don't know how to use it properly

I'll write you a tutorial ... with small words and big pictures :)

3:40 into an 8:23 long video... Andy finally gets to talk about the plug-in (the point of the video). Why does every interview with him, even for plug-in promotion!!!, include them asking him to explain how he got into recording/his first gigs??? I would imagine getting sick of explaining my beginnings every damn interview I did.
It's one of those common questions, but Andy seems to cop it more than most.

I know, it's just, I guess since I've seen so many videos with the same questions/answers it gets irritating having to hear it for the 1,133,252,589th time :lol:
Hahaha, I've never, EVER, EVER done it ONCE in my life.

Either I don'r hear it and like it slightly out or our tracking methods make doing it moot.
Same with me. Although I did grab the demo to fix some really out of tune bass tracks what was only a mix job yesterday.
Yeah I always get hammered with the "before we talk about the product we need you to explain your background"....I think it's because they are aiming the product at the none metal crowds also, but I agree, I'm sooooo tired of explaining all that. You are right about waves tune, I found it detected screamy vocals a touch better, I'll jump between all these tuners now tho to see what works best. No set rules on any of that.