Andy sneap forum band "the unrest"

thanks! :)! well nothing fancy, just my mbox and a twintrak as a micpreamp.

vox = AKG C414
Rhythm Guitar = 5150 - maxon808 - mesa V30 - 1 SM57 (quadtracked) (rhythm channel)
Lead Guitars = Triple Rect. - maxon808 - mesa V30 - 1 SM57 (double) (vintage channel)
Drums ( Superior - (kick and snare = Slate samples)
Bass = Good bass? - sansamp - twintrak - Mbox

Did it in our home studio in borlänge , sweden....:)

And of course my new iMAC 24"! :) it made it all possible hehe

Maybe James wants to master it :) :notworthy

Would you happen to have the settings you used on the 5150/Recto?
I was mixing the shit out of this all night! Very fun track to work on! My first time working on drums from DFH and I really like it.... and NOW I'm considering about buying it (and I'm a drummer :waah:). I'll probably post up my mix tomorrow after work.

Kick ass song, awesome production already, and thanks a ton for putting up the session tracks! :rock: