Andy Sneap talks about the Kemper Profiling Amp

By the way, I've been using this live recently, monitor out with speaker profile off into effects loop return for monitoring onstage and full profile xlr out to front of house and my in ears, works AMAZING.
By the way, I've been using this live recently, monitor out with speaker profile off into effects loop return for monitoring onstage and full profile xlr out to front of house and my in ears, works AMAZING.

Amazing, so it seems the whole "doesn't work for live" myth is broken, I always thought in theory it would be great but kept hearing about it not made for it. But if it works "AMAZING" for Andy Sneap, I think we can trust it's great.

Do you change profiles mid song or between songs, or do you use the same profile throughout the set?
That's awesome Andy, glad to hear it's working out live! Do you find yourself using any particular profiles; like did you set up a rig specifically to use live or did you just scroll through your already existing profiles from the albums you've done with it?

Any chance of sharing one of those profiles? :blush:
ha, no I'm not sharing ;)
Yes I'm using midi to kick in lead profile (boost + delays). I know other guitarists running Ableton live and having that control the kemper for patches.
This is really starting to interest me a lot. I've been considering getting a Mini Rectifier for touring lately, but I might as well spend a bit of extra cash and pick up a Kemper... It would also give me the possibility to track guitars at home instead of having to be in the studio. Right now it seems like a piece of gear which is too good to be true.
Yes I'm using midi to kick in lead profile (boost + delays). I know other guitarists running Ableton live and having that control the kemper for patches.

I heard that Kemper is working on a footcontroller and a computer controller (via ethernet cable). Imagine a Kemper network...

ha, no I'm not sharing ;)

Mr Sneap, would you share the cab only? Or considering selling just the cab profile? :notworthy

Anyway, I'm glad (and jelous) you are working with Saxon :rock: Congrats!!!
I couldn't get along with the Kemper, just seemed lacking.. But it might of been me, wondering if I should buy another one now?
It's 100% down the profiles you're using. If the profile sucks, the KPA will suck.

Well most of them I got off the Kemper exchange, I actually thought I had a dud unit.. It sounded like someone recorded the profiles in 22KHZ..

Ahh well, I enjoy tube amps anyway.. Why stop the habit of a lifetime?
Well most of them I got off the Kemper exchange, I actually thought I had a dud unit.. It sounded like someone recorded the profiles in 22KHZ..

Ahh well, I enjoy tube amps anyway.. Why stop the habit of a lifetime?

only a matching eq profiler ( izotope ozone ) in hardware no rocket science :)

no biggy and certainly not worth the money thats asked for it but good luck if it suites your needs:)
No, it's not just a match eq in hardware, what you're saying is wrong. That is all.

if you say so son , it profiles ONE channel of an amp at one time it is a matching EQ profiler nothing more but you beleive the marketing as fools part with there money

dont throw the toys outta your sandpit okay ,that is all :)
