Andy's kick and snare kicks DKFH1s ass

Kazrog said:
What I read was that Thomas was so happy with the DFHS sounds, that he felt no reason to mic up a kit. Good for ToonTrack! That's a hell of an endorsement. Sorry if I don't have the whole story.

Nah, pressure from label to get the album done ASAP - already had songs 100% programmed for reference.
Yeah, I'd actually love to see them do something farther away from modeling as I'm sick of things that try to sound like tubes... but I won't scream and bitch any more about that as such nonsense never gets anywhere with people who like their tube amps.

Back to drum kit collections, when I get around to getting one of those it won't be to replace a real drummer - I just see so much room for tinkering when you have already well done samples of things that are just begging to be poked, prodded, and fucked with until the right sound is found. Meshuggah's 'imitation' gear gets better results than most people using 'the real thing' so I don't think there's anyone out there who gets to bitch about their production. Yeah, when it's done well authentic tubes and acoustic drum recordings can be great, but I think there's a point where you just have to say 'fuck it, these guys do so well I don't see any reason why digital modeling and samples can be that much worse, compared to the metal recordings we grew up on (as well as the majority of the new stuff we hear, in my opinion, exceptions being Richardson, Sneap, Nordström, Tägtgren, et cetera) Meshuggah is kicking ass!' and go with whatever gives good results.

That said, I really want to hear the Backmask stuff, so let's see how that sizes up.

i think a lot of people hate dkfhs out of the box because they dont spend enough time with the sounds

im sure if toon track took all of the recordings they made to create the software, and eq'd everything to make it sound wonderful out of the box, it would sound horrid or too glossed in a final master. you'd either have tons of people complaining that (well its just not the right sound for me) cuz its so far from natural, or tons of people saying (yeah sounds good, but it ends up sounding too fake in the end).

i mean the samples are so bare and dry, so that you have the ability to mix and tweak just like you really would in a real recording situation. i like that about it. sure it can be frustrating because some of the sounds, especially the snares, sound like dog snot when you hit the preview button.... but go through a whole mix with one and your tune might change.

i've grown close to dkfhs and i love the tones it provides. i also agree that some of them sound rather weird, awkward, or dull. but when compared to the hundred snare drums i've recorded over the past year with industry standard microphones, and experimentation... i havent been able to even touch the sounds that are included in that package. and that's what makes it worth it to me.

in the end, it doesnt matter. there will always be producers and engineers like andy and several others that will still be able to make an acoustical kit sound better than any software could ever conjure. and those records will always be the ones that stand out in the crowd of wanna be recordings.
My only problem, at all, with DFHS, is that it's not so much suited to the more extreme forms of black and death metal. It's hard to get blastbeats sounding the exact way I'd want them, I wan't to be able to control my ride cymbal a bit better (seperate mic), kicks to sound a bit more triggered, tighter/more toms, more high-endy/washy cymbals.

I think they should go back and record a kit with Nick Barker and Reno Killerich \m/.
joeymusicguy said:
i think a lot of people hate dkfhs out of the box because they dont spend enough time with the sounds

I agree. Except I've loaded Thorendal's settings. And I don't like the sound of DFHS even then, even though it matches Catch 33 perfectly. o_O
I used to base my stuff off Thordendal's until I realized how shit they sound for anything but Meshuggah. I just start raw, build a kit how I'd have one set up in real life, apply aptrigga to the kick/snare, and load up my trackplug on all of em - go to town!
i go from scratch everytime, build a kit, do the bleed, set the levels, set up fades and kill that nasty noise you get at the end of compression trails

then i export and mix like normal as if i really recorded the drums

works out nicely!
BTW, I only exaggerated to make a sick joke, I still use those DKFH1 sounds. As punishment for not laughing, I shall joke further in the future. :)

But yeah, man oh man those Andy kicks and snares sound good. Ahhhh.
DSS3 said:
I think they should go back and record a kit with Nick Barker and Reno Killerich \m/.

I'm under the impression that Barker triggers so he's probably already got all of the stuff he needs laid out in samples, just a matter of persuasion from there.

I'd prefer samples from Wages of Sin by Arch Enemy or City from Strapping Young Lad (SYL or TNB would also be lovely) myself, though.

JBroll said:
I'm under the impression that Barker triggers so he's probably already got all of the stuff he needs laid out in samples, just a matter of persuasion from there.

Yeah, he uses a Roland V-kick in the studio, and a V-snare in the studio and live, anyways. Toms are duct taped and muted to all hell, and then triggered.

I'd KILL for his cymbal's in DFHS, though.
xmarcelx said:
I'm wondering if andy's samples are processed and how much!

they sound a little compressed and eq'd to me, but then i didnt hear the source sound