CRUSADER747 said:
Thats fair enough Valanx, im not knockin you or anything . As ive said before, "each to there own".
I don't hear many new bands these days, but i can honestly say, i don't like ANYTHING that i have heard so far!!
Which is a shame really, mabey there will be some new traditional or melodic power / speed metal bands in the future??? (fat chance i bet) :erk: [/QUOT
Hi Crusader,have you heard Dragonforce Sonic Firestorm, it is the dogs if you like power metal and great guitar solos this is for you. :rock:
I'm with you Valanx new music rules.Listening to the old stuffis all well and good but i think you have to keep pushing boundries and looking for new bands all the time.I don't evan listen to that much metal these days but i still keep me ears out for new metal.Aechenemy are a band i have heard you all mention so i downloaded some stuff the other day and it turns out the rock big style.
WILKS said:
Angel witch are a band i think which i would love to hear again.I think i used to own a tape by them but for some reason i have not listened to for the best part of 20 years,i must get round to buying the first album again is out on cd?

Another Angel Witch fan, yippee that's brilliant. I didn't realise there were so many loyal Angel Witch fans still around!!!! Yes the first album is available on CD but there is an expanded version out right now which has the same 10 original tracks as the album plus 10 bonus tracks as well, so it would be better getting that one Wilks. Praise Angel Witch everyone :rock: :rock: :rock:
WILKS said:
Aechenemy are a band i have heard you all mention so i downloaded some stuff the other day and it turns out the rock big style.

Yeah mate, thats one way of putting it :rock:

Ive liked them for a couple of years now since Angela joined, still cant believe her vocals...Totaly unreal for a woman to sing like that!!
valanx said:
But i was just curious, do you actually like or listen to any newer bands than the NWOBHM era


Well that's not strictly true but I still listen to loads of NWOBHM along with loads of Rush, Zeppelin, AC/DC, Sabbath, UFO, Scorps, Floyd, Krokus etc. Really what I'm saying is that the music I listen to today is more or less the same music I listened to about 20 years ago. I will go out and get new CDs but it will be the new CD from an older band like Lionheart and AOR. There are some newer bands I listen to, I really like Tool/APC and I'm into that Open Hand, Drive-By Truckers.

The thing is I've got loads of cds that folk have given me, must have about 20 sitting in a drawer and they've been sitting there for about 9 months and I haven't listened to any of them cos to listen to them means I'd have to stop listening to Saxon, Diamond Head/ Sabbath, Girlschool etc and I know probably some of them will be quite good, but I know for a true fact that I won't like any of those bands nearly as much as I love all the stuff I'm listening to just now. The cds I'm talking about that I've not listened to yet are stuff like Gov't Mule, Panic, Opeth, Nevermore, Kings X, Kyuss, Spirital Beggars - some of them might not be really new bands but they are all new to me cos I haven't heard them yet. In fact I must make a point to night of sticking a few of them on, I've heard that Gov't Mule as supposed to be brill, as are Panic.

But I realise I need to start listening to newer bands cos even the bands I've went to see over the past year, apart from Open Hand and Drive by Truckers, the rest have all been bands that have been around for years like Rush, Saxon, Budgie, Whitesnake, Priest, Scorps, Thin Lizzy and the bands that I'm seeing later this year are all old bands as well, Budgie again this week, Motorhead, Girlschool, Magnum, Dio, and the 5 bands playing at the NWOBHM concert. These bands won't be around for a great deal longer, so I have to start getting into new bands or else I won't have any concerts to go to, which would be tragic indeed.

Midnightrider - I was going to recommend Dragonforce to Crusader as well. I only heard of them a few months ago but they are so amazing, they totally blew me away. I was checking their tour dates a few months ago and noticed they are playing in Edinburgh, quite fancied it and thought I'd better check out the Merch to see if they had any decent girl tshirts. There was one but I'm afraid there's no way I could wear it cos of what it says on the front

"Dragonforce DIRTY Power Metal SLUT

I think its this weekend they're playing but I don't think I can make it now, if it was Glasgow I would definitely go but its like 50 miles away, hopefully they will come to Glasgow and then I will see them for sure. They would be totally mindblowing live.
LOL Crusader, that's exactly what that song is "fackin awesome". I love that song and Dragonforce are just totally sensational, this is the kind of music that I've been waiting TWENTY YEARS for!!!!!!!!! How tremendous would they be live - absolutely jawdroppingly tremendous!!!!! And stuff it, if I ever get to see them, I'm going to buy that power slut tshirt hehehe.
After seeing CRU's link (thanks!) i just went and Downloaded the tune myself, yeah its preetty decent! I love the solo its all over teh place!!!

Let us know what the album is like ok C?

Actually Crusader, Have you heard; Guardians of Time : 'Machines of Mental Design' ?? Same sort of stuff as that dragonforce, GOT has better vocals though!! imo
CRUSADER747 said:
Ive just logged on to and heard a song called 'My Spirit Will Go On', and. . . . . . .

Its Fooookin Awsome :rock: :rock: :rock:
It's EXACTLY the sort of stuff im looking for!!
Im off to HMV on saturday to buy the album :worship:
Thanks for the info. . . . . . . . :)
Try and catch them live if you get the chance they are awesome.The guitarist Herman Li is a friend of a friend and have had a drink with him on several occasions (once at Wacken)and is a really sound guy.His previous band were called Demoniac and released a cd called The Fire and the Wind which i absolutely love top guitar shredding.If you see it anywhere pick it up,it is quite rare to see it anywhere and could be worth a few quid as Dragonforce really seem to be getting popular in metal circles.Let us know what you think of Sonic Firestorm when you get it.
valanx said:
After seeing CRU's link (thanks!) i just went and Downloaded the tune myself, yeah its preetty decent! I love the solo its all over teh place!!!

Let us know what the album is like ok C?

Actually Crusader, Have you heard; Guardians of Time : 'Machines of Mental Design' ?? Same sort of stuff as that dragonforce, GOT has better vocals though!! imo

Just been on the Guardians Of Time website, and heard 3 sound clips, good stuff :rock:
Looks like i'll have to add there album to my C.D. shopping list :)
I see what you mean about the vocals, they do go a bit high in places (which i love) it reminds me a bit of Michael Kiske's vocals when he was in the mighty Helloween :kickass:
Twisted Tony said:
I love Angel Witch!! I was jamming their debut a few days ago.

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

You rock Twisted Tony!!!!! Angel Witch are totally magnificent, they are still one of my fav bands and it's fantastic that there's so many AW fans on here. Years ago a load of my pals were into Angel Witch but I think nowadays it's just like me and one other friend who are still heavily into them. I will be a diehard Angel Witch fan till the day I die - and of course a Saxon fan, Diamond Head and Girlschool. Those bands are still the best in my opinion.

I've not listened to any Angel Witch for a couple of days - no wonder I don't feel too well - going to stick on some right now, that'll make me feel better!!!
CRUSADER747 said:
I bought Sonic Firestorm by Dragonforce yesterday!!!
Great album, 8 tracks, 7 are fast and one is a bit slow.
My fave song is 'my spirit will go on', and 'once in a lifetime'.
If you like fast power metal, then this album should be on your next shopping list :kickass:

Do you like HAMMERFALL Crusader? Just wondered...
I have seen ANGELWITCH back in 1986 at the Dynamol Open Air festival in Eindhoven. It was on the parkinglot in front of the Dynamo Club. I think it must have been the only dutch gig they ever did. But I may be wrong on this.

A friend of mine was able to see them last year in Zottegem,Belgium. That was the line up with the guys from Heathen. He said it wass absolutely brilliant. I wasn't able to go than due to work but this was a great line up. Kevin with Lee Altus(Guitar,he is in EXODUS now),Jon Torres and Darren Minter. Too bad that line up didn't last very long.

Have you seen Angelwitch recenly?
Ekib said:
Have you seen Angelwitch recenly?

No Ekib I'm afraid I've not seen Angel Witch for years and years and years. Can't really remember the last time I saw them but it would have probably been around 1987/88 or thereabouts. I knew they were playing Wacken a few years ago but unfortunately I didn't get there to see them. I should have made more of an effort.

I still listen to AW a lot, probably at least every second day I'll listen to some of their stuff, and they are the one band that I would most like to see again.I cant really see them getting back together again but you never know, I must not give up hope cos I really would sell my right kidney to see them play one more time.
CRUSADER747 said:
Er, i haven't heard of them (yet) so i don't know.I HAVE just got the first Dragonforce C.D. Valley Of The Damned :-)It arrived in the post this morning, and im just about to play it. If its even half as good as Sonic Firestorm it will be worth buying!!

Well let us know, from the good things you have said about them and the tunes i downloaded from the site they do sound like some pretty good power metal! Like Hammerfall, who i am listening to now incidently :grin:

BTW: your 'land of the dead' gif is just teh cool !!!!