Animals vs. Humans

This is the latest advertisement from PETA, (Poultry Executioners for Totalitarian Authority). These hens and cocks have begun making recipes for human flesh.

Rotisserie Rhode Islander
1 fresh homo sapien,
2 tablespoons paprika
1 squirt lemon
4 cups chicken seed
1 package of shake and bake
Roast 3 hours and 30 minutes
Simmer and Serve

I saw a PETA guy give this young guy a shot to the spleen at Earth day last year, it was great. The kid had it coming to, he deliberately walked up to the PETA booth chowing down on a hamburger. The kid limped away and I almost fell over laughing.
btw what do the PETA people propose we eat?
I tried being a vegetarian. It was difficult...and unhealthy. There are millions of people who cannot tolerate a diet without meat, medically I mean, not just convenience-wise.
I imagine it would be possible for your body to adjust, albeit Im not an expert in this field. I do know there are different foods which can supplement the benefits of meat in diets.
btw what do the PETA people propose we eat?
I tried being a vegetarian. It was difficult...and unhealthy. There are millions of people who cannot tolerate a diet without meat, medically I mean, not just convenience-wise.

Maren only eats seafood, and I'm too lazy to cook meat for myself and seafood costs a fortune over here. It's perfectly easy to do. Just omit the meat, if you want protein, use beans of some sort. Or eggs(still vegetarian, I guess fetus isn't meat or something).
The comments are so awesome:

randomv3iwer (5 days ago) marked as spam
6000 round a mint, thousands of horse power to fly, none less than two people to opporate the Heli and the Mini Gun. But russian made shoulder mounted rocket and no American sister fuckin redneck will surrvive it. Ha ha! I know it burns you crackers. Even if you bring this shit my hood you aint seeing the day light.

cazzogiapponese (5 days ago) marked as spam
looks like laser!!!(w

xXDrowningXSorrowXx (6 days ago) marked as spam
Dang no islamic bastard will live!

dougf921 (1 week ago) marked as spam

msandslimsuck (1 week ago) marked as spam
wat makes it explode wen it hits the ground?

theoldgeezernextdoor (1 week ago) marked as spam
Wanna shoot that thing so bad.

DannyAz66 (1 week ago) marked as spam
and bush want build walls and fences

shadowfiend86 (2 weeks ago) marked as spam
nice Vulcan.......