Animals vs Humans


I want to see that excited kid in your sig face the black snausage of the future.
Animals have adapted to killing...what do we have...fingernails. Think you can scratch a Grizzlies eyes out...youve got another thing coming.

The airvent is indeed a major problem! Insects are probably most dangerous of enemies...I mean we know nothing about them. What if this whole building a nest thing has just been one a witty way to distract from the fact that theyre actually super intelligent.

Thousands, maybe millions, of ants get in through the vent when you sleep...get inside you via your mouth (maybe also nostrils, according to preference). They eat your heart and use your nerve endings to control you. How would you notice which one is human and which one a animal spy with the sole purpose of gathering information.

Plants are also fucked up.
Suicide plants.
They just die and from then on theres no chance for humen to get delicious goodies like Tequilla Sunrise and Apple Tea. FUCK!
Animals don't need the help of plants when there are so many insects around to decompose us in our sleep.
Way to simplify things. If you think you can seal off every crack, vent, and non-airtight door/window in your house, then I guess you have a point, but for most people this would take some rather professional maintenance work.
If such shelters exist for a significant portion of the population, then I suppose this is a valid point. However, we're still shit out of luck when they decide to chew away all our crops. have other food...and they have to eat as well, so it's a disadvantage for them too. And we eat what we kill, and we'll be doing a fuck of a lot of killing.

Well, insects can survive on more than just human food. And we'll probly be depending on larger animals for food. I'm getting pretty bored of this debate, though, so feel free to downplay the insect threat all you want.
even if all animals decided to get violent, they'd lose the war. even if we had to get into bunkers while they killed most of us. "In a battle between force and an idea, the latter always prevails." - Ludwig von Mises
A lot of the pro-human arguments seem to assume that every Joe-public has easy access to effective weaponry and specially-designed shelters. This is a nonsense, and massive casualities would occur.

Even if some sort of protection was thrown together by the authorities, (which would be no quick task because let's face it, are coordinated wildlife attacks really part of anyone's emergency plans?) this would come far too late to benefit the vast bulk of the earth's population.

Therefore, even if the surviving humans were then able to wipe out all remaining life from the safety of their completely sealed bunkers, it would be a totally hollow victory as mankind would be utterly decimated, reduced to the tiny fraction of the world's elite who found safety, and left with no significant manpower to reconstruct the totally barren planet.
A lot of the pro-human arguments seem to assume that every Joe-public has easy access to effective weaponry and specially-designed shelters. This is a nonsense...

And the idea that all the animals of the world could unify themselves and communicate with each other isn't? If the animal side in the retarded debate is allowed to use complete fantasy, so should the humnan (correct) side.
I think it would also vary from continent to continent. Here in Western Europe I cannot think of too many mammals or insects that have any real chance of killing or even seriously injuring a human being in a one-on-one fight (or even if they are outnumbering a human). But if you live in Africa you'd be fucked probably, considering the lack of resources there and the huge amount of big predators and venomous reptiles and insects that could easily kill someone.
And the idea that all the animals of the world could unify themselves and communicate with each other isn't? If the animal side in the retarded debate is allowed to use complete fantasy, so should the humnan (correct) side.

If we don't assume that there is some level of coordination among the animals, then this whole debate is pointless. ...Oh, wait, it already is.

But seriously, is your interpretation of the scenario any different than the way animals behave right now? If there's no big difference, then clearly we'll win. We've already colonised nearly every inhabitable piece of land in the world, destroying countless animal habitats along the way. You seem to be downplaying the intensity of these hypothetical animal attacks for your convenience.
But seriously, is your interpretation of the scenario any different than the way animals behave right now? If there's no big difference, then clearly we'll win. We've already colonised nearly every inhabitable piece of land in the world, destroying countless animal habitats along the way. You seem to be downplaying the intensity of these hypothetical animal attacks for your convenience.

And everyone else is downplaying humans ability to protect themselves! If you apply fantasy to one side, you have to apply it to the other.