Animals vs Humans

And about this government shit. THE GOVERNMENT WOULD BE DEAD.

Think about it. If every bird in every tree and every animal in every forest even close to any government building decided to attack, they would be fucked. Remember, they are aiming to kill. Even a few birds could probably nail one person.
Robots will turn on us, then exterminate the animals, and then they will be left to fight off the zombie horde - which will be destroyed!

Then the Protoss will invade and the robots are done.
Robots will turn on us, then exterminate the animals, and then they will be left to fight off the zombie horde - which will be destroyed!

Then the Protoss will invade and the robots are done.

The Robots won't turn on us because they need us to survive. They eat old people's medicine for fuel, remember?
How do we take on small mammals/rodents? Too small and fast to shoot at accurately, and probably too fast to use knives and hand weapons on. This could be a major hindrance.

Well, logically, if nature isn't allowed to use small insects and animals that transport bacteria, nuclear and biological arms aren't exactly fair either. Not to mention that as a species, we are not trustworthy of each other at all, so it's not like everyone will be magically united in solving world problems (we aren't right now for fucks sakes) - in other words, how does a divided army put up a front?

Most humans are brutally stupid.

I say you should have limited technology (i.e. nothing past the age of combustible machina).
If we are assuming that animals are somehow working in unison, then we should also give humans that benefit.

We might consider carpet bombing Africa, with all the animals there, those people are fucked anyway.
Anyone who honestly thinks that animals can defeat humans globally considering the vast military strength of several different nations, especially the United States, probably just isn't thinking it through (or at least I'd hope that's the case). And we're speaking hypothetically. I'm pretty sure it's much more likely for human the band together to fight a common enemy than it is for all of the various different SPECIES of animals that DON'T SHARE A COMMON FORM OF COMMUNICATION to work together to overthrow man's dominance of the planet.
^Many animals actually do communicate; language is common in the animal kingdom, however, the type of communication employed by humanity is much more complex. And good luck getting several nations to work in harmony without a damned secret agenda for doing so :lol:

Plus, most humans cannot ever build the technology they use in daily life - even the most simplest of things.

I'm just saying, you can't say that the rest of the animal kingdom (which does use surprisingly bad ass military tactics - just look at any type of biped raiding party) which can inadvertently wipe out large chunks of humanity through disease (through ticks, fleas, and bacteria) and yet humans still have biological weapons.
Of course, if humans used those weapons, they would become pissed off at each other eventually anyway, and in the end nations would gear up and kill each other anyway.

Lose lose situation I suppose.

I honestly don't see why people bother separating humans from the animal kingdom though.
Frankly though, I think a 20 million factioned war would be awesome

People with clubs and bows fighting bears facing tigers with a bunch of koalas thrown in for measure.
Humans are animals. Rename the thread you uneducated religious fruitbasket.

Humans vs "all other animals" though, yea, no contest

the cockroaches would be working on their touchdown dance if they gave a shit about the extinction of humanity

... :lol:

Holy fuck, this is the funniest two pages I have read in forever. I am speechless. Very nice work, guys. The pictures of the flamethrowing tank and the sea monsters were excellent touches.
Are you joking? Or do you just think that you're being intelligent by pointing out that humans are animals?

Chill out, I'm not trying to sound intelligent (:Smug:). Most people hold a belief that humanity is indeed above the animal kingdom - It's the typically assumed warrant that goes along with living in America (home home religious semen dripping conservatism).

I just mentioned that last statement (people are animals) in general, because most people still do this; next time I'll put up a fucking warning label for you :lol: