another church burning

there have been only a handful of healings supposedly linked to Lourdes, and this is out of millions and millions of people who have visited the site for many years.

a person magically regrowing a lost limb or something has never been documented.

edit: the Lourdes Bureau requires the healing to be has to happen right then and there (not weeks or months after visiting) for it to be declared a "miracle". A person is more likely to get sick from visiting the shrine at Lourdes than better.

I belive that only a handful of the healings were deserved. Those healings proof that SOMETHING IF ANYTHING is going on.
People seem to forget the attrocious things Christians have done throughout history, surpassing even current day Islamic "events" for disgust. ... It's a reminder that Christianity is just as bad as Islam is.

You indict "Christianity", but the fact is that all the horrible things that were done were are not condoned by Christianity. Yeah, there are some unpopular beliefs within Christianity, but those people were pursuing their own interests, and not carrying out the precepts of Christianity. Yeah, those things were done in the name of Christianity, but that was a misrepresentation. Does that count for anything in the eyes of those who continue to site these types of thing?

I don't know much about Islam, but I have heard that part of their belief system actually calls for the killing of those who do not accept Islam. Anyone know if this is true?
I belive that only a handful of the healings were deserved. Those healings proof that SOMETHING IF ANYTHING is going on.

so God plays favorites?

"Gee, Timmy, I'd love to take away your leukemia, but little Johnny over there has the flu, and he has said more hail mary's."
You indict "Christianity", but the fact is that all the horrible things that were done were are not condoned by Christianity. Yeah, there are some unpopular beliefs within Christianity, but those people were pursuing their own interests, and not carrying out the precepts of Christianity. Yeah, those things were done in the name of Christianity, but that was a misrepresentation. Does that count for anything in the eyes of those who continue to site these types of thing?

I don't know much about Islam, but I have heard that part of their belief system actually calls for the killing of those who do not accept Islam. Anyone know if this is true?

Well part of the problem is that many of these Christians who were doing these deplorable things were justifying it on the basis of biblical passages such as these:

"And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves" (Num. 31:15-18).

"Samuel also said unto Saul, The Lord sent me to annoint thee to be king over his people, over Israel: now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of hte words of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass" (1 Sam. 15:1-3 cf. Ex. 17).
so God plays favorites?

"Gee, Timmy, I'd love to take away your leukemia, but little Johnny over there has the flu, and he has said more hail mary's."

Yeah... it says right in the bible god plays favourites.

You can be sure though... were going to have lots of company in hell.
Well, those passages are historical accounts of specific things. Nowhere are Christians (or Jews) instructed to kill all non-Christians (or non-Jews).

Well as a catholic, i know there are things in the bible that do tell us to. BUT THERE ARE THINGS THAT TELL US NOT TO. The bible is not perfect and it was NOT writtin by god and i know that.
Incase you haven't noticed... but the christological model is god having a giant chess game with himself... and were the fucking cannon fodder. Think about it:

-He's all powerful and can do anything he wants, but never stops shit from going down, causing mass strife and then he "heals" a few people and HOT FUCKING DAMN HE COMES OUT THE HERO!!!

-he creates us just so we get fucked over, then saves us thousands of years later only to have more of us get fucked over

-THe devil has no power compared to him yet he is apprently still a "threat"... yeah... big fucking threat
Well as a catholic, i know there are things in the bible that do tell us to. BUT THERE ARE THINGS THAT TELL US NOT TO. The bible is not perfect and it was NOT writtin by god and i know that.

but there are things that tell you to. its all about what you WANT to hear. people pick and choose lines from the bible to justify their actions because its easy to find justification for anything. with that said, how can anyone trust a book as the ultimate moral authority, if it contradicts itself?
Well, those passages are historical accounts of specific things. Nowhere are Christians (or Jews) instructed to kill all non-Christians (or non-Jews).

Those passages set a precedent that it is alright to kill unbelievers. In both of those passages we have God and Moses ordering the Israelites to kill man, woman and child because of their behavior. Notice in the second passage which is cross-referenced with Ex. 17; God orders the Israelites to wipe out then entire nation of Amalek on the basis of something their ANCESTORS did to the ANCENSTORS of the Israelites. So not only are innocent infants going to be put to death for the sins of the nation but the entire nation is to be put to death for something that they personally had nothing to do with but their ancestors were in fact the culprits! These passages clearly imply that in some circumstances it is acceptable to kill those outside of God's 'chosen people' be it either the Jews or the Christian Church. Now one could then say yes well Christians arent' supposed to do those sorts of things because the New Testament tells us to love our enemies, etc. But this only confounds the problem. Since both the Old and New Testaments are supposedly inspired by God (2 Tim. 3:16-17) and former gives examples that it is alright to slaughter entire nations of unbelievers on the basis of things they weren't even personally responsible for and the latter tells us to love everyone and do good to our enemies we have a real moral contradiction here that clearly points out the very fallible and human nature of the Bible. I guess my overall point is this: you can argue that those Christians who started the crusades, the inquisition, etc. were out of touch with what the bible teaches and what 'real' Christianity really teaches but for every bible verse that condemns their actions you can find just as many that support their actions. So were they acting un-Christian? Well that depends upon which passages of the bible you choose to look at.
The whole thing doesn't make sense. Who here has seen the movie "Jesus Camp" about super evangelical christians who take the bible to literally and try to mix church and state.
but there are things that tell you to. its all about what you WANT to hear. people pick and choose lines from the bible to justify their actions because its easy to find justification for anything. with that said, how can anyone trust a book as the ultimate moral authority, if it contradicts itself?

"Jesus Camp" looks too scary for me :lol:

Genocide Roach hit the nail on the head a few posts earlier. You cannot pick and choose lines from the Bible to suit your needs. The bible has failed as a source of moral guidelines.
You indict "Christianity", but the fact is that all the horrible things that were done were are not condoned by Christianity. Yeah, there are some unpopular beliefs within Christianity, but those people were pursuing their own interests, and not carrying out the precepts of Christianity. Yeah, those things were done in the name of Christianity, but that was a misrepresentation. Does that count for anything in the eyes of those who continue to site these types of thing?

I don't know much about Islam, but I have heard that part of their belief system actually calls for the killing of those who do not accept Islam. Anyone know if this is true?

Yes it does count for something, but does not change the fact that, as implied by quotes by Rabid Headbanger above, these two religions both condone segregation (and sexism for that matter also) of people who are not part of their faiths. Not a Christian? You're subhuman. Not Islamic? You're subhuman too.

Thus, the acts undetaken by Knights of the Templar in sacking Montsegur and burning Cathars, combined with other acts like the Christian Brotherhood in Alexandria sacking all scientific study houses and raping/killing scholars of the time is directly influenced by passages from the Bible that demonise non-Christians. Yeah that's real fucking nice isn't it. Even Alexander The Great was more open-minded by trying to fuse Persia and Greece!