another church burning

Those passages set a precedent that it is alright to kill unbelievers. ... These passages clearly imply that in some circumstances it is acceptable to kill those outside of God's 'chosen people' be it either the Jews or the Christian Church.

Well I don't see it as setting a precident. Those were specific instructions for specific reasons in specific circumstances (not that I know all the reasons). It's ridiculous to take everything that you are told as precident. Not everything you are told is meant to be a precident. I think if it was meant to be a precept of the faith, it would have been given in some form of command, and it wasn't. Further, Judaism and Christianity are different. Maybe more like two different stages of one plan, but still very different.
but there are things that tell you to. its all about what you WANT to hear. people pick and choose lines from the bible to justify their actions because its easy to find justification for anything. with that said, how can anyone trust a book as the ultimate moral authority, if it contradicts itself?

I agree, people should not pick and choose. It's what most people do. Take something from here, something from there and make up their own beliefs because it's what they like and what makes them feel good. If someone is going to accept that the Bible is the word of God, then they should do it. If you think you can't trust the whole thing, how do you decide what to believe? How can you trust any of it? I think one reason people don't is that they don't understand it all, and that is uncomfortable for them. People are too often ruled by their feelings.
well, for me personally, i dont trust any of it. and ive got a pretty good understanding of it.

i dont know how anyone can trust all of it. too many contradictions. but we live in a weak civilization. they accept what they are told. and thats why religion is so succesfull.
I'm not into religion or anything and people just need to grow up alittle. You do not have to go to church or even notice locals churches so who cares. If you want to do something you can do it and it's the US so fuck the church and christians anyways. Why commit arson it does not even make sense.
dont bother, i cant watch streaming video out here. but i have as #1 on netflix. so i'll see it in a couple weeks
Rape, pillaging and bloody torture are all ok under the sign of the cross though, aren't they.

And this also proves that some satanists are asses. You infer that since one is they all must be? Dumb cunt.

So is 95% of mankind in the history of the earth according to your fucking "good book"!

One can only hope. I want them as far away as fucking possible!

So's yours dickweed.

Not ONLY did you construct a sentence out of two DIFFERENT sentences, but you did what christians do 90% of the time, infer that someone who is of a different religion is satanic. You shit eating cum sucking fuck.


No rape, pillaging, and bloody torture is not ok under the sign of the cross, what a stupid accusation. Yes I was wrong about all satanists being asses but it was a term that I used inorder to say that most of them are asses, I thought all people could have figure that out by now, apparently not. Actually not all christians are asses, trust me I know what you mean. There's some pretty awesome christians out there that aren't complete asses, it's mostly the older christians though. As for the rest of the sentence it seems you like trolling so GO SCREW YOURSELF!!! I BET YOU LOVE IT UP THE BUTT! HAHAHA!!!!
well, for me personally, i dont trust any of it. and ive got a pretty good understanding of it.

i dont know how anyone can trust all of it. too many contradictions. but we live in a weak civilization. they accept what they are told. and thats why religion is so succesfull.

I don't find contradictions, however I do find things I don't understand. I think it's much weaker to make up your own religion than it is to come to a belief and stick to it. If one believes there is an all-powerful being that has communicated through a book, then why would one have a problem believing that being could preserve that book and present it in the form that the being wants it presented in?

Besides, what does any one group have to gain by presenting this book? It's not like it is a Jewish nationalist book, that much should be obvious. It's not a book that any human would think they could gain power over others with. It protects itself against that. It's not a book that would give anyone the ability to get money from others with. It protects itself against that too. I am not saying these things don't happen, but they are as a result of human greed, lust for power and ignorance (on the victim's part).
terrorism in the name of any religion, or lack thereof, is wrong.

sure, the early 90s norweigan church burnings were fun, but this aint 1993 anymore.
This is probably because of my Fundamentalist Christianity upbringing but to me if the Bible's not perfect there's no reason to believe it. At gR: People trust it because they're raised to believe in Hell a lot of the time, you get that embedded in your mind and if you're trying to leave Christianity it's one of the hardest things to do because you've been taught all these years that if yuo don't accept, you go to Hell. Also preachers can be very persuasive in their arguments, and come with any argument that can support any bullshit, not to mention manipulating people's emotions in the church I went to, confusing people's conscious with the Holy Spirit and the Devil, brainwashing people into thinking spiritual warfare is at hand, scaring little kids into beleiivng in Hell, I don't see how these Fundamentalist preachers don't wake up and feel guilty about all this, it's the side of Christianity almost no one that's Christian wants to talk about but is all so real.
^Yes, I've been an apostate since I was 16, your first 6 months are the toughest I think, or first few months no doubt, but getting educated about the subject and even reading the Bible can eradicate those religious fears from your head.
^Yes, I've been an apostate since I was 16, your first 6 months are the toughest I think, or first few months no doubt, but getting educated about the subject and even reading the Bible can eradicate those religious fears from your head.

Same here. It pretty much started halfway through 15 and continued. It was complete by my 16th birthday.

It was tough. Especially the masqaurade you have to put on for relatives. ESPECIALLY grandparents.