another church burning

Wow, wow, wow, wow, Miss Lippy. Why does God hate the homos? Is it now bad to love a certain people too much? The bottom line is, even if there is God, no piddly, worthless human species will even begin to comprehend him.
Although it is sad that such beautiful architecture is now ruined. This 'church' is just a building. It is a christian belief that the true church lies within the group of people that assemble. So...that being said the only way to destroy Chrisianity is to destroy the true church which requires the entire annihilation of all those of Christian faith, whether strong or weak. But here in lies the problem for those who seek it's destruction, when you strike it down, it only grows stronger. Something I call the Obi Wan Kenobi effect. I do consider myself a Christian. And as such I should truly strive for rewards in my afterlife (i.e. following scripture) and in doing so, should merely turn the other cheek. I know many of you may find that absurd, and you are entitled to your opinion. I probably would have a hard time staying my hand once striked, let alone turn the other cheak and that's b/c I'm human and I'm hypocrite just like all humans. I will say this, I don't blindly follow, in fact I question my faith frequently. It's been my philosophy and policy that if something is truly TRUE, then it survives and is unchanged by trial and test. If I die and there is nothing for me after my life, oh well, it matters not, but I hope that my God is there waiting for me to great me and take me into his kingdom.

Know this, I do enjoy heavy music from time to time. But most of you as was I are you men who are dissenfanchised with life due to certain circumstances and what not. I would argue that a high percentage of you would agree with me. Metal is an angry music form. But once you mature and shed adolessence and get some happiness in your life whether it be in the form of family or just simply success, this too shall pass. I know many of you are dissenfanchised and think relgion is this blight that exists in society, but how old are you? Do you know your own limits your wisdom? I still don't. My mother has been off drugs for 5 years now b/c of her faith, some of you may think that it was an exchange of one drug for the other. But ask yourself would you rather have some one you love on drugs or just have them belief in somehting you don't that keeps them sober and most likely ethical?

Ok, I said my peace, now comes the flame. It's the internet right?!
I thought God was supposed to love everyone equally, etc. But even if God is only healing his "friends" then this really doesn't explain anything as just as many Christians die of terrible diseases as everyone else.

But god does not protect everyone all the time. Death is natural. I ,of course, belive that god heals some people. Why he picks them I dont know and that is not my job to find out. God does not want the world to full of miracles becuase they would lose there meaning then. Miracles are to, i think, show god's power and save a few people.

I just lost all my metal points right.

For those who call christians full of hypocrisy, then your forgetting the rest mankind becuase we all are.
I know many of you are dissenfanchised and think relgion is this blight that exists in society, but how old are you? Do you know your own limits your wisdom? I still don't.

The issue is not whether I consider myself all wise or not. The issue is simply this: I will not and cannot accept something on faith that has been thoroughly disproven even though in doing so it may bring me emotional comfort. That is self-deception. This is why I am agnostic... I don't profess to have all the answers and I'm open to the possibility that there are some things beyond our human understandings (i.e. perhaps there is something to which the name 'God' could in fact be applied). But a critical examination of the bible reveals it to be a thoroughly flawed and human work, not the product of divine ispiration.
The issue is not whether I consider myself all wise or not. The issue is simply this: I will not and cannot accept something on faith that has been thoroughly disproven even though in doing so it may bring me emotional comfort. That is self-deception. This is why I am agnostic... I don't profess to have all the answers and I'm open to the possibility that there are some things beyond our human understandings (i.e. perhaps there is something to which the name 'God' could in fact be applied). But a critical examination of the bible reveals it to be a thoroughly flawed and human work, not the product of divine ispiration.

That is a really good point, say that to your typical bible thumper and they will go apeshit. Ive brought that up to christians, and they just don't know what to reply.
Like a few others have said, i like the cause (To End Religion), However burning down churches isn't the best way to go about it.
it's very funny and sad to see many people discussing about a presumptive god that the same people believes he doesn't exist

i never dismissed the idea of a god. i'm agnostic. i dont know whats out there, and neither side has convinced theyre right. my problems with religion are moral ones
^We don't, but to me speculating whether there's a God or gods is like speculating whether there's Santa or the Easter Bunny, I just feel that none of the religions are right and none of thier gods exist so therefore, I'm an atheist.
hey guys... do you realy believe in all these "antichristianic" ideas? i mean where do you find the meaning in life? i know that church oganizations around the world proceeded constantly to violent conversion with immoral ways... i know the dont see the human basic needs in life and prefer watching their pockets.. most of the priests and generally the church organization are anhollowed and act pharisaicly... Christ Himself back in His time was associating with people who were consider "losers", whores, criminals, "bums", they needed love more than those who where professionals of faith, like the Temples priests who haded Him... its in your own will to realize that anything is been said for the best of man its been said by Christ, and if we lived by His Word, life around the world would be better... the most certain in life is death, and being prepare for that moment is the meaning, im not afraid of death because i know where to believe in. its easier for someone to trust the wind which moves forever, its easier to believe to the lines in the sand children make in the sand, than human happines, moments come nd go, its your choise. i dont listen to black, death and all these extreme metal bands, i prefer mostly prog and clsssic, maybe thats why i m not in all those theories.. burning chruches and feeding hate for one another its not the answer, we are just passing through in this world. your fellow man starving next to you, the war refugges who lost their families and home etc, these are reasons to find answers...
Know this, I do enjoy heavy music from time to time. But most of you as was I are you men who are dissenfanchised with life due to certain circumstances and what not. I would argue that a high percentage of you would agree with me. Metal is an angry music form. But once you mature and shed adolessence and get some happiness in your life whether it be in the form of family or just simply success, this too shall pass.

Are you saying that metal is a phase that will be grown out of and pass once a person is no longer angry and adolescent?

If so, I disagree. I know that many people "give up" metal, but I think those are the people who were fans of something other than the music. Like maybe fans of the scene, or fans of a metal fan, or were ust trying it out, or maybe felt it helped expressed their feeling, but then they feel differently. But some people who are truly fans of the music will be fans for life. They will grow and mature and become responsible and possibly get married and have kids...and will still be metalheads. They may end up looking like they have blended with society, but their love of metal will live on.
I think the main problem with religion is priests. I think churches are really nice and just don't like priests nor want to hear them. I think priests are corrupt and use religion to try and hope that a god will accept their sexuality problems and are cowards. I think priests just can't accept and are ashammed and it's a reason why they are so fixated on religion and why they are priests to begin with. It also seems like any dumbass can get a card and call themselves a pastor and there are pastors that use to be criminals or have a family involved with crime and now turn to religion as hoping to be forgiven. The people who follow them are some of the most hopeless and you have a bunch of old dying handicapped people turning to god as they rot and people who went there whole lives not caring about religion now worrying what is going to happen to them after they die because they are scared. I refuse to be one of those persons. Born again christians for example are not religious no matter how much they want to be. You are either religious or not and it really has nothing to do with trying to be accepted by someones rules. You can't be something you are not.
I think the main problem with religion is priests. I think churches are really nice and just don't like priests nor want to hear them. I think priests are corrupt and use religion to try and hope that a god will accept their sexuality problems and are cowards.

Thats a stupid generalization. Some priests are corrupt becuase they are human to and all humans are not perfect. To say every single one is corrupt is completely wrong.

It also seems like any dumbass can get a card and call themselves a pastor and there are pastors that use to be criminals or have a family involved with crime and now turn to religion as hoping to be forgiven.

No, not any dumbass can get a card. It takes four years to even get ordained and before that you go through background checks. So you obviously dont even know what you are talking about.

You are either religious or not and it really has nothing to do with trying to be accepted by someones rules. You can't be something you are not.

Great job at not making any sense.

The people who follow them are some of the most hopeless and you have a bunch of old dying handicapped people turning to god as they rot and people who went there whole lives not caring about religion now worrying what is going to happen to them after they die because they are scared.

Again there little sense being made here. I think you are just throwing strong words around with out giving any meaning behind them.
In the end religion will have the entire earth engulfed in fire and everyone can finally witness hell as the skin peels off their faces.