another drummer rant

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I can't stress often enough how much I hate drummers.....
now I'm lucky that I found a drummer who good and can play to a click (very rare it seems)...unfortunately never the same pattern/beat twice but that's the next thing I'll be working on with him ;)

my rant is actually about social behaviour of drummers...dammit!
Our drummer is a nice guy and I like him a lot, but as soon as he loggs into a forum or anything he writes like a 14 yr old, vVERY agressive, offending, insulting, BAD BAD grammar and spellin etc...
now I wouldn't bother if he'd do it in his name, I'm not his father..

but he fucking keeps doing it in my band's name.
We've had that discussion before and we actually told him to not write ANYTHING in our name...still I keep finding posts on forums and other portals where he's just posting the most embarrasing crap in our bands name.

I feel like I've got a difficult kid and have to restrict his internet access altogether.
I'm not living with him and as I said I'm not his father, so I can't....but changing our passwords doesn't help either, cause he's just finding new forums that he'll register to using our name.

I fucking can't believe it and don't know what to do... this guy is in his 20ies...

Have you ever forbidden a bandmate (and friend) to not say anything in the name of the band or even band-related?
I have and it still didn't work...

what's going on in a drummers brain?
It's hard to tell. I'd say if you've gone through all that many times and he keeps doing that and completely ignoring your opinion on the matter, I'd say the guy is a prick and it doesn't have anything to do with the instrument he plays.

Especially an instrument as fine as drum(s) :)
Oh I feel your pain... We just ex'd our drummer after he went batshit insane and tried to blackmail the rest of the band. I was physically and mentally devastated for weeks and I'm still angry, but it's also a huge relief now to know that this backstabbing cunt is gone. :bah:

There are some very cool, laid back yet professional, skilled and ambitious drummers out there... but there are also quite a few who actually manage to combine serious ADHD with general laziness, minimal intellect, absolutely no sense for reason and plain megalomania.

There are as much idiotic guitarists and bassists around, but somehow drummers and singers seem to stick out of the crowd. ;)

I think this impression is partly down to the simple fact that there are way less good drummers and singers around than the hordes of wannabe Loomis'es, so you have less of a choice of whom you're willing to put up with.
drummers being dumbasses is like women sucking at parking, for some reason there seems to be a pattern. I say kick him out and good luck finding a new one, you really can't go on as a band like that, and the fact you've already told him and he keeps doing it proves he's a retard and shouldn't be in a band at all, because a band is a TEAM, not just a group of friends that have fun
I've actually been pleasantly surprised by 70% of bassist I track. One tracked an entire full length near flawlessly in 5 hours, the other did it in 3. The guitarist took 30 hours. Let's leave it at that.

Here's my guitarist rant: Don't fucking palm mute, ever, if you sound like a squelchy cicada licking a ballsack when you do it.
Honestly I think this applies to 99.9% of "musicians"... so they call themselves.