Another Mask - Simple Dreams (my band, video and raw files inside)

What drum program are you using? The overheads sound really good!!!wish bands sent me raws this organized and sounding so good.
Impressive in all possible ways. Videorow, lyrics, music...Carlin and M.L.King in the background but with a pounding message throughout the song. This is much more than worth a listen, a watch, a thought, recognition. My gratitude advanced, man. Hope all of you guys here can fathom the bottomline in it. Peace and freedom to everyone.
What drum program are you using? The overheads sound really good!!!wish bands sent me raws this organized and sounding so good.

Thanks! It's SSD4, cymbals are mostly deluxe. Just the crash to the far right is from CLA pack.

What processing did you do to the vocals

Aside from layering 5-7 vocal tracks it's basically tons of compression. Files in the archive have printed stock reacomp (4:1, 10ms attack, 50ms release) on them that does nothing on the quiet parts and 10db of GR on the loudest parts.
From there on the main vocal track it goes to Satson for trimming and then this:

Other vocal tracks are mostly the same, but without the 76 and with more agressive eq.
And on the vocal buss:

There is also some parallel distortion going on on the main track.

Impressive in all possible ways. Videorow, lyrics, music...Carlin and M.L.King in the background but with a pounding message throughout the song. This is much more than worth a listen, a watch, a thought, recognition. My gratitude advanced, man. Hope all of you guys here can fathom the bottomline in it. Peace and freedom to everyone.
Thanks man! Much appreciated! It's actually not MLK in the end, but Charlie Chaplin from The Great Dictator.
Спасибо за мультитрэк! Очень крутая группа, с 2012го слушаю вас)
Моя попытка)
Hey Paul, thanks for sharing the raw tracks man! Great song, and I definitely enjoyed mixing it. Here is my go
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Had a bash at this, a fun mix to do and catchy song
feel free to rip my mix apart
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Thanks for all the mixed, guys! Now time for some soul-crushing feedback.

Clean guitars can barely be heard and sound too dry to me. Vocals sound kinda distant and not focused (I don't know how to explain it better - maybe there's too much hardpanned vocal tracks and not enough center track).
Main guitar tone is cool and I like the kick and snare sound a lot.

Again, nice main guitar tone, but clean guitars in the verses are too dry. Maybe I'm just used to the delays. Cymbals sound good, vocal balance is nice as well. Vocal delay and snare verb don't seem to live well together - they make the mix sound like two separate spaces. You could safely bring up the bass for most of the track. Also not a fan of the kick drum click, but that's just my taste.

Kick and cymbals sound good, but the snare feels weak - I would add more smack to it. Lead vocals are a tiny bit too quiet to me. Too bad there are no lead guitars and the main guitars lack mids on their own.

Guitars sound great! What profiles did you use? It's weird to hear this kind of drums in our music. The snare is huge and verby and everything, but they lack punch IMO.
Backing vocals are WAY too loud compared to main vocals.

Vocals sound very good! Guitars are a bit too gainy and fizzy for my taste. Again, dry clean guitars make verses dull. Drums are nice as well, except that hat is too loud.

Clean guitars are too quiet and dry. Drums and main guitars sound good. Snare could use a tad more smack and kick could just be a little louder. Vocals sit nice in the mix.

Clean guitars sound cool, but again no FX makes verses dull. Main guitars are good. Couldn't really hear backing vocals. Overheads are pumping quite a bit in the choruses, maybe it's the master limiting.

I like the main guitars a lot, drums are great as it was noted above. DAT KICK, MAN! IMO drums are overpowering the mix a bit - bass is barely audible. And again, sadly no FX on clean guitars.

Vocals and clean guitars sound too dry. Bass is too low-heavy for me. While it sits well in the verses, it sticks out too much in the heavy parts. Drums are punchy as hell! Could you the tell about the snare and its processing? I like distorted main and lead guitars tones a lot. The taping part at the end sounds just like it should.

Mix sounds very roomy overall and lacks clarity. Vocals sound weird - dry, but distant. I guess it's the mostly balance between the lead and double tracks. Main distorted tone is good, but no lead guitars and no FX on clean guitars again make the track boring since there is no sense of space.

Guitar and drum tones are nice, but needs more prominent bass. Drums lack body a little bit - snare is buried in the loud parts. Don't forget to automate the reverb tails on the section ends not to lose impact.

Drums and distorted guitars sound pretty good. Clean guitars sound like they are not processed at all though. Vocals are buried a bit during the choruses.