ANOTHER Nevermore board member dream!!

sooooooooo....I had the one dream where karen and cara were with me in the museum and no hot monkey sex happened :( but it was wierd. and now...I woke up on Saturday morning and I had dreamed of ....

yes, its true.....

hold on.....

Will Bozarth!

(and thank god no sex happened, for both our sakes.)

here's what happened.

Will's band was about to play in this small amphitheater. Before the band started, a guy walked up to the microphone, and said, "hello, I'm _____ Bozarth, Will's dad. I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you all that I've been having an affair with ________ and that I'll be leaving my wife."

There was a hush in the audience as nobody (least of all me, the dreamer) knew wtf was going on.

Then a woman came up onto the stage and said, "I'm _________ Bozarth, Will's mom, and I'm glad you're leaving...and by the way, you should know that Will is not your son. I was having an affair and got pregnant by our stockbroker!"

By now the entire audience was buzzing.

Then the band started playing, and I woke up.
lizard said:

You guys suck. I have dreams about my GF's damn wiener dog which I hate more than anything in the world. If I could kill it and get away with it , I probably would. It haunts my dreams. It barks at me constanly, bites me and pisses on me AND THATS IN REAL LIFE.
lizard said:
well its not all party hats and gifts, when you dream of Cara and Karen and nothing carnal happens :(

I actually sense your pain and hope tonights dream will involve them , whip cream, rubber sheets, and gerbils.
last dream i had involving one of you was the other night when i sawed acie's shoulder off with a chainsaw...i think i thought i was ash from evil dead. but i didn't mean to hurt acie, i just couldn't control my chainsaw :lol:
I just start dreaming about a hot naked guy and I gotta get up to go pee.