Another new member!

Hehe salut larf03 jsavais pas tétais Québécois. Like I said, I've been watching the board for some time now and I have the feeling I already know you guys! Hi Isabel and darknoise!
Hi Sammeh!
Wakefield huh? Dunno that place! Maybe larf03 knows where is it. Originally I'm from a little town of 3000 persons far from any cities but I moved to Quebec city to continue my studies... it kinda sucks because none of my friends are around now.

And LoM.. well huh I don't really know you if that makes you feel more secure.
She has a secret name no can be told. Only I know of it, and apparently I'm the only one allowed to speak it. :loco:
hi AsModEe, i'm cara and i like feces and panties and squids and juggling. especially activities that involve all of those.

welcome aboard matey tha plank! :lol:
AsModEe said:
Oh yeah I've heard about that show.. gee these guys are fucking idiot. We're stupid cause we speak french??? Hmm... at least we are intelligent enough to learn both english and french. Every quebecer knows how to speak english ( at least a little ), do all americans speak french?? I doubt it. And trust me, french is a lot harder to learn than english. I have doubts that speaking french makes us dumber than americans.
Your taking it to seriously. It's just something to joke about. Not all jokes are P.C. or the truth. Most of them wouldn't be funny then. Surely some people might think that way, but for the most part the majority of americans don't think about out side of America. Je sui finie :grin:
I am stephen BTW.
Hey d00d. Nice to have another n00b about (in my case to this forum at least). Mind if I ask about the name though? As in the meaning behind it? Is there a reason certain letters are capitalised?

And are you sure it's not 'Asmodean'? considering our forum moderator hear is name after a member of the grounp called 'The Forsake' from a book, I thought it might be likewise with you? (Asmodean is another member of 'The Forsake')

Anyway, nice to have you around. :wave: Let the innanity commence!