Another Spitz thread because we need at least one more.

Doesn't really need Anthrax to do well.

Edited to add....Joey may think these things but keeps a lid on it becuase he needs this band or at the very least really wants it. Danny on the other hand is already making really good money and has said he has oher musical interests outside of Anthrax. So you add all that together he's going to be the one to air dirty laundry.
Rise said:
why do they never play much off persistance except got the time Time rules as does spitz
Time fucking kicks your ass.
One Man Stand rules more though.
And I also like the lead to "Belly of the Beast". That whole song is perfect.
The middle part- first you have the cowbell, and as if that wasn't good enough, the lead... leads up to...
:rock: MOSH:kickass: :Smokin:
:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
You're not supposed to question it
But how do you except this fate?

They should just play all of P.O.T. with this lineup. Seriously.

Danny may not be the best guitarist (technically) anthrax have ever had, but he definatly has a unique style. When you hear danny play you hear Spitz, when you hear paul crook or Rob C play you hear a solo, a good solo, but any number of players could be playing.
Even though he's doing it for christ, Dan still rocks quite well. I also find him charismatic and funny. But I wouldn't call him a neccessity. He does what ever lead metal guitarist does, which is shred as fluidly and fast as possible. I've heard others just as good and some even better, so if he's going to stick around I doubt it'll strickly be just because of his abilities...
reidie said:
Danny may not be the best guitarist (technically) anthrax have ever had, but he definatly has a unique style. When you hear danny play you hear Spitz, when you hear paul crook or Rob C play you hear a solo, a good solo, but any number of players could be playing.

I agree. Spitz is really unique, you can tell his solos straight away. I just think he belongs in Anthrax, i was at his side of the stage at the Glasgow show and it was cool and funny seeing him joey and frankie all goofing about with each other. I dunno what it is about him as he doesnt headband much but he has a real prescence

but yeah ONE MAN STANDS!!!!!
I'll say that much - If it's gotta be this line-up I would def like to hear more POT.

My only beef with POT is whenever I put on the shirt and go out somewhere some stoner, chongo, idiot, asshole says "your shirt says pot." Yeah, thanks, buddy, I was un-aware.
Get off the mans sack people. Grow up. all of you. This man has accomplished more in the past 10 years then most of us will in a life time. H8 ers is what you all are. Crazy out of his mind he is. but get off his sack. Think of some other Anthrax news to speak of, Because Spitz being a nut case... Thats 20questions do the math old...
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
Get off the mans sack people. Grow up. all of you. This man has accomplished more in the past 10 years then most of us will in a life time. H8 ers is what you all are. Crazy out of his mind he is. but get off his sack. Think of some other Anthrax news to speak of, Because Spitz being a nut case... Thats 20questions do the math old...
I was being serious.
The solo to Time rules.