Another stupid and fake Anthrax press release


Feb 9, 2005
Strange Bedfellows: Legal team defends right to resist ANTHRAX

(The vaccine, not the band)

ANTHRAX (THE BAND, NOT THE VACCINE) arrives from airport in stretch limousine with 5 men in dark suits

press conference and photo opportunity saturday, april 30, 2005


ANTHRAX and Chicago Lawmen meet at high noon

The news is spreading; not the disease. ANTHRAX, the Heavy Metal band has re-united with a serious purpose. Having had a very well attended press conference at SIRIUS Satellite in New York City April 1, 2005, ANTHRAX continues to lead the Heavy Metal industry into taking up social causes. ANTHRAX is beating the drum about the forced vaccination of our soldiers with experimental drugs. The Anthrax Vaccine is allegedly one of the major causes of the mysterious GULF WAR SYNDROME.

McGuire Woods, the Chicago Law firm wins ruling against the Department of Defense

A few hours prior to their first Chicago performance at the House of Blues, ANTHRAX and the Chicago based Legal team from McGuire-Woods will talk over lunch about the Anthrax Vaccine litigation that shut down the U.S. Department of Defense's (DoD) involuntary Anthrax Vaccine program. A few months ago, District of Columbia Judge Sullivan ruled on behalf of all military personal that the use of the highly controversial Anthrax Vaccine must be suspended until the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) properly approves or licenses the Anthrax Vaccine for DoD use. Judge Sullivan ruled that soldiers have the right to reject taking the “experimental vaccine” without pressure of penalty.

ANTHRAX voices concern about civil rights, human rights and forced vaccinations

Consulting with their new legal eagle fan club from McGuire-Woods, members of the ANTHRAX continue to voice their concerns about civil and human rights on behalf of their fans. “We are also concerned about the civilian population, the potential DRAFT, and the right to dissent from having our government force us to abrogate our personal rights and alter the condition of our mind or bodies.” Scott Ian, ANTHRAX guitarist. “Do citizens of the United States,” he continues, “have sovereignty over their own bodies?” The Bioshield Act says no! “The Bioshield Act,” he comments, “says that the DoD and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) can force drugs and vaccines on the civilian population as well as the military.”

The Bioshield Act can force all Americans to take experimental drugs

The Bioshield Act, passed by Congress last session, gives the government, namely the DoD and HHS, the authority to bypass legal protections in place for decades and direct the use of experimental drugs for both the military and civilian populations during times of emergency or “potential” emergency, whether that emergency has its basis in reality or not.

Department of Defense has been willfully violating federal drug law

John Michels, one of the firm’s pro bono litigators in Doe, et al. v. Rumsfeld, et al. considers that the real issue is the DoD and FDA having willfully violated federal drug laws from the beginning of the Anthrax Vaccination program. Now the federal government is abusing its authority under the Bioshield Act, passed specifically to allow for the emergency use of experimental drugs or vaccines in the event of a bio-weapon attack, or the imminent threat of such an attack. “The Act was not created to allow the DoD to escape from the requirements of a preliminary injunction, but that is what they are using it for,” Michels says. There are no provisions or checks and balances in the Bioshield Act for determining whether the DoD declaration of emergency has substance or not. “Unfortunately the only people who can fix this are Congressmen and women, and there is little effort on their part.”

Does the government own our bodies?

Highlighting his point of view from his statement on the Slave to the Metal™ Foundation post card (, Dan Spitz, ANTHRAX’S other guitarist, issues an adamant statement of concern. “Whether there is an emergency or not, whether that emergency is real or not, I oppose all attempts by the government to take away my right to dissent. As a free human being, in a free country, in a free democracy, we must not be forced by government, the American Medical Association; or any agency to take drugs or vaccines approved or unapproved. I believe it is my God given right to have sovereignty over my own body and my own thoughts.”

ANTHRAX drummer beats the drum about sovereignty

ANTHRAX’S drummer, Charlie Benante, has been brushing up on the Declaration of Independence in his down time at the computer ( There he found the historical document that he metals with his own understanding: “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to the end that it does not secure for its people their foundational and inalienable rights given to them by the Creator, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute a new Government. It our right, it is our duty, to speak up and insure our rights and future security.”

The Lawmen and the Band are not such strange bedfellows, after all

Lawmen and the Heavy Metal scene, judged by those who are “politically correct” as the lawless, are not such strange bedfellows after all. Both are warriors, one way or the other.

Hey Scott, what's this bullshit about a potential draft you dumbfuck. Who feeds you this shit? That issue was already brought up on the floor of congress and shot down by all but two votes (those both being Democrats...Charlie Rangle(NY) and one other) So enough of the scare tactics that you, or those who continue to pull your strings, need to get this point across. Just shut up and play. You are not smarter than everyone else, you just happened to name your band Anthrax while you were in high school and you've allowed a special interest group exploit that to get their agenda across while dragging the little amount of integrity (and I do mean little) you had left through the dirt.

And there is NO WAY Charlie said what is quoted in this press release! So embarassing.
who the HELL is writing this drivel and did anyone actually read it all the way to the end??
pure and utter embarrasment.

and there was me thinking that first press release was a lame april fool's joke...
I could't get thru that with a cup of coffee. It's okay to support soldiers rights but what the fuck this reads like a bad used car salesmen's spiel.
I am glad that I wasn't the only person who couldn't read all the way through that trash. I thought I was starting to develop ADD or something:ill: If there is an award for "Who can write the shittiest press releases of all time" Anthrax are coming around the corner and leading the pack by a country mile.