Another version of Cry My Name

well to be slightly more detailed, i really thought it sounded damn good, but the sound quality took away a lot from it, so really, if you have the chance, re-record with better equipment!
Well, I was hoping to hear the scream near the end of the song - one of the key things needed in Bloodbath is a good pair of lungs. I am having a bit of trouble judging the song just from the quality, but it sounds like you still need to work a bit on the power of your vocals. You certainly can do death vocals, and I am sure it works well with your band, but I do not think it is up to Bloodbath. Though, if you get a chance to rerecord, I would love to hear it.

A good cover, though man, keep it up.
The reason i did not have the whole song was because i posted a wave is huge. But i actually found a better microphone. I will record the whole version later as a mp3 file, but it´s too early now. Hopefully i am able to change your mind winters :)
As i mentioned in the Karaoke Thread - I didn´t tune my guitar down to low A just for this recording session.

I´ve got a 7 string Floyd Rose System on my guitar, so if you know what this is you will recognize the tuning work to do...

Me is just a laaaazy ass :)

I wouldn´t say that it is "way to high" but if it isn´t raw enough for you - make your own. :D