Anthrax could be alittle more socialble with it's fans

tattooedsean666 said:
I will stick with my guns. I have seen and hung out with enough bands in close to 20 years to know of the routine. I know it is a gamble waiting out there but in my now 95 times having seen Anthrax live, there have been a nice percentage of them of not giving anyone the time of day.

I did wish I could have chatted with charlie alittle longer after tempe's gig as he was telling me some interesting stuff on why they haven't got on any of the late night tv shows.

I'm going w/ you on this one. Although Charlie is always a class act, I've seen Scott play the role of "I'm smarter than you, I'm better than, I am a rock star" many a time, and also Frankie has his rock star hissy fits from time to time.

The point is, when you are only playing to half filled clubs, you should go ABOVE AND BEYOND to each of the few fans you have left. If you want to keep a fan base that is.

No Brent, my ticket doesn't say "free meet and greet" but Anthrax booking a show doesn't mean their contract says "many fans will show up" And you can bet less fans will show up if they wanna be assholes about it. Many of Anthrax's fans have grown up and moved on with their lives. When you have a wife, kids, and a career, it means YOU are sacrificing to see Anthrax. $20 for the ticket. $75 for a good sitter. $50 for a good meal, etc, etc. If Anthrax are playing a club so small I'm parking my car beside their bus, they better have the time to say "hi" to the 10 or so people who bother to wait.
Are you guys kiddin me! Anthrax are a group of fuck wads that think there shit don't stink! Every time I met em they signed shit, and said hello to as many people as possible! John Bush was the biggest dick of ALL! He even went out of his way to find a sharpie give me a good signature ! What a dick! And that Scott fucker! Shit what the fuck gives him the right to go completly nuts on stage and be cool to some lowly fan amazed beyond belief to meet the man that has in so many ways inspired him.. Fuck him to! Then theres Charlie ! OH NIce Blast beat CHIEF! And what the fuck is up with FRANK! Dont even get me started on that tool! What a shoe maker. Rob. Mother fuckers just cause he fuckin shreds the man thinks he's don Juan Cagniano!

Sarcasm Spears kinda hit it on the head. They probably has a shit day! Have a peachy fuckin evening! I'm off like a used ruber...
I've seen Frank get mad about stuff, but not throw hissy fits to an audience or fans hanging around. Shit, he's snapped at me once or twice, but always takes the time to say sorry and that it wasn't directed at me.

This is an interesting and valid debate. I see both sides of the coin. But ultimately these guys are people who have on and off days like the rest of us.
hey, I am not even going to get into an online war as it leads nowhere. I will only say that I have seen them in many cities in the US and various other countries and they do it alittle more often than some bands I have met and I have met too many bands to list as I am a hardcore fan. I support them, I promote so many bands. I buy cds for idiotic friends, burn comps to turn people onto music. Bands standing for 5 minutes saying hello is all I ask. It took Frank forever to come out in Tempe but I didn't mind but it was silly to see him chatting to people on the bus that he could easily spend the drive to the next town talking to keeping him from the fans outside. Wow, that is a huge runon sentence, my english teachers would be so disappointed.

Yes, mr. buddy love bomb, I have seen them since the late 80's in many states many times and various times in Europe while I lived there. It did help that in the early days, I didn't help as many bands so I didn't have as many bands to go see in concert. As a result, I saw Anthrax in so many places. I might be upset that they don't always hang out but there is no doubt that their live shows kick ass!! :)
In cleveland, I went backstage for five minutes, said hi, took a quick pic or two and then I was out like a fat chick playing dodgeball. All in good drunken fun. I haven't asked Anthrax for an autograph in five years, maybe more. It just doesn't mean that much to me anymore, esecially when they recognize you.
They've been extremely cool to me most times, yes, so don't take it as if I'm calling them dickheads. I also realize that they are human and have bad moods. My point was two-fold. A) Not ALL of them are super fan friendly, and B) when you're playing a place smaller than my neighborhood bar and the bus is parked out on the sidewalk, don't act like a rock star and snub people. I'm not looking for autographs and photos, I've already got them. If I get a chance to get more, I'll get them. But I've seen them snub fans at more than one show. All except Charlie.
The reason why an autograph doesn't mean shit to me anymore is because I used to trade baseball cards when I was kid. It was cool to have a signature on some of them. It was somewhat uncool to not be there when it was signed. I guess the same goes with Anthrax stuff. But after a while, a signature doesn't mean shit because it's not like you're trying to sell the shit in the future and even if those were your intentions, who's gonna pay top dollar for their signature? The diehard fan that already has a ton of them?? I'm content with a picture. No, let me rephrase that, I love pictures. Pictures are worth a 1000 words. 1000 points of hate? They capture a split second in time. They capture moods. They just straight up capture.
Alex is right. Pictures just capture.
For example, check this out:
As Brentney said it, I've never seen members of a band as big and popular as Anthrax, answer their fan e-mails almost daily and write in to their fans from the road. So what if they don't come out to meet the fans sometimes? Now the band are assholes if they don't meet the fans after the show??? I don't get your point - Anthrax should start re-building their fanbase by reaching out to their biggest fanatics (you'll prolly agree that the people who want to meet the band and get their shit signed are, 90% of the time, hard-core, already-won-over fans)??? I met Charlie, John and Rob after the Montreal gig and they were all super-duper cool and took pics and signed stuff - Scott and Frank didn't come out and it's cool as well; they're entitled to a little break after a night of hard work and I'm sure Scott enjoys Pearls company more than a company of sweaty, beer-drenched, screaming idiots - John's another story, since I believe sweaty males walk in his mind allday long (brat will kill me now - gay hat anyone??) :)

Anyhoo, take it as it is boys, and if the band talks to you after the show, it's cool; and if they don't that's cool too.
I think those of you that are claiming that Anthrax is not fan-friendly can all go to hell. First off, each of the 'Thrax boys are very easy to approach. Look at their website for god's can email them right there! I've met Charlie at the NAMM convention twice, and he was great. I've met Scott once also and he was cool. They are always doing cool contests for their fans, letting you dowmload thier tunes from their website, and all sorts of cool shit.

Maybe if you jerks weren't bad mouthing them on these message boards all the time, maybe John, Scott, Frank, Charlie and Rob wouldn't snub you the next time you asked them for an autograph.
Oh lord mr. late to the party, you don't know me so who the hell are you to call one a jerk. I don't go around bad mouthing anyone. In fact, I do more for promoting metal to people online and offline than most people can claim and I have been doing this since 1980. I won't put any band on a pedestal though as if they were gods. Lastly, oh lord, yeah they didn't sign my new ltd. edition the first night because Charlie just knew I was going to put my one and only bad message on anthrax's message board. :bah: :rolleyes:
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
*plots mental's demise*


My doom is nigh, but what a sweet fate it is to die by the hand of a lovely maiden.... ;)

sorry for the medievalesque answer, but I was just reading LOTR: The return of the king....
Chill everyone, we're all on the same team. If I was in Anthrax, I'd sign everything from breasts to credit card applications BUT I'm not and I've been with them probably a dozen or more times and they've signed everytime. All I'm saying is that you can't have an expectation of a band, athlete whoever to sign, meet and greet. You'll be disappointed more times than not.