Anthrax could be alittle more socialble with it's fans

:hotjump:The show was great. I talked to Charlie before show he was great and signed something for my daughter(big Fan) So get over it.
Brent's right... arguing over this is an extremely moot point. I think as fans we get conditioned to having these guys be "the band next door." They're not always gonna have the energy/time to hang after a show. I could sit here and say that I would meet and greet before and after every show, but what if one day I was in such a bad mood, that I didn't want to go outside. Maybe when the guys are having a bad day, they don't hang with the fans because they don't want to project their negatavity and hurt anyone's feelings or disappoint them. I'd be more disappointed if I thought I got one of them mad than if I didn't get to see them at all.

I also notice lately that there is a lot of chest thumping going on here on this board. Here and there, some people want to take a position of authority/enlightenment because of what they have done or whatever. It's just my opinion, but it gets old really quick. I've known the boys for almost two years, and I DON'T KNOW SHIT!! I mean, I know some stuff, but Brent has known them longer, so he knows more than me, and Richie has known them longer, so he probably knows more than Brent. See where I'm going? Someone always knows more, and credentials mean nothing when it comes to opinions. No one opinion is more qualified/knowledgable than another. Unless, you're Yngvie or Blackmore... then your shit doesn't stink...aparrently it smells like blueberry pie.
Johnny Ace said:
Brent's right... arguing over this is an extremely moot point. I think as fans we get conditioned to having these guys be "the band next door." They're not always gonna have the energy/time to hang after a show. I could sit here and say that I would meet and greet before and after every show, but what if one day I was in such a bad mood, that I didn't want to go outside. Maybe when the guys are having a bad day, they don't hang with the fans because they don't want to project their negatavity and hurt anyone's feelings or disappoint them. I'd be more disappointed if I thought I got one of them mad than if I didn't get to see them at all.


*thumps chest*