

Metal Godess
Oct 1, 2003
Stalking Daniel Svensson
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Im Not going to lie, but I am A fuckin good Guitarist, Many bands tell me that they don'twant me because I don't have the Look! What Look! I look Like fuckin Brody Armstrong.. anyways... I figured that Most guys are offended by me playing the guitar and into the Metal world. I've also noticed, Not one girl Musician, which is pretty shitty.(besides Otep and Arch Enemy).

Now if You guys had a band and this girl came up to you played really good.. would you turn her down because she's a girl?

Whats your take on girl Guitarist... some guy told me I should Stick to Cooking! For fuck Sakes, all I know is how to make a fuckin Pizza pocket and fuck Burn it in the Fuckin MICROWAVE!... anyways... whats ur Take?
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Don't stop playing because some fuckhead tells you to turn the guitar down and start cooking, we're not in the caveman era. Lacuna Coil has a girl singing for them (and what a gal! hehe) and Aeternus, one of my favorite death metal bands, had a girl playing bass and keyboards for them (and she's hot as well :p). Anyway, if she's good, she's more than welcomed.
Haha, it's quite funny how it's only cool for women to play in Metal bands if they are "hot". It's not like they should be judged on musical merit or anything...(end sarcasm). Bad intentions...Do you have anything recorded? I'd like to hear it if so... Good luck to you, and don't give up!!
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Most record companies dont give a shit how well you play actually. Its all in the image and how much they can make off that. You think Spears or Aguilera have contracts because of their vocal talents? Noop.

But then again there are times when you can havew alot of talent and still get away with it and not look the greatest, Michael Romeo and Yngwie Malmsteen to name two.

thats just how it is. I'm a pretty big guy with hair down to my ass. No one thinks I can play as good as I do, but I dont have that metal image.

Moral: Join my band and fuck everyone else!
how good are you? you may play in my band if you wish. at any rate, women guitarists are rare. women who play the electric guitar are even rarer. finally women guitarists who play metal do not exist. i used to work in a guitar store, so i know. maybe a female metal bassist once a year, but that's it.
Good enough to gather people around me when I jam at Guitar Center regularly. I've had a few people ask me to give them lessons as well. I dont know of anyone with a faster picking hand.
I could give less than a fuck what you fuckin' look like. If you can nail the solos (because I sure can't...I'm a rhythm guitarist), then I don't give a shit what you look like, if yer a guy, girl, or a fuckin' moose. If yer a fuckin' monkey and can shred, you can be in my band, hehe.
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the alumnus said:
finally women guitarists who play metal do not exist.
I know of one in existance, and shes in a local band around here called Deprivation. And shes really good.
Although, it seems to me that about 80-90% of females who play rock/metal/etc. go for Bass.
If I was approached by a female guitarist looking for a gig, I wouldn't think twice about it if she could play well enough to fill the slot. I'd rather think it's hella cool and pick her over a male of equal skill. =)

I wouldn't care about looks either - I'm not very pretty myself, so who am I to judge? *grins*

A lot of things weigh in though. I'm guessing some guys are just sexist, while others are feeling uncertain about how the chemistry in the band would change with a female in it.

There is a Greek all-female black metal band, Astarte.

Guess that's another female guitarist right there... Never heard 'em though.
There are great female guitarists out there, like the Amazing kat or what ever her name is, she was number 10 on the guitar one list.

just keep playing, and play for fun, but still take it serious of course, and you will find somthing you like to do.
Damn, I knew a woman who could absolutely destroy most of the male guitarists I've known. It's weird because I had forgotten all about her until just now, and this was about 10 years ago when I was in the middle of a 4 year blackout and I can't even remember her name, I just remember that her band, unfortunately, was crap...

Anyway, I fucking hate the attitude of the guys you described. How anyone can truly believe anymore that gender is some kind of predetermining factor for musical ability is completely baffling. I would love to see the image of metal as some kind of boys' club become just another shattered stereotype, as well as the double-standard regarding appearance. :cool:
all female black metal band? fucking hell yeah! Girls could probably do most of those vocals better anyway.

to the original question, those guys are just dicks but probably do represent the larger population of metal heads....who are generally stupid creatures of the ugh ugh type. Speaking for myself I wouldn't mind have a girl in my band at all, I would love one as a singer specifically but don't see any reason why a girl playing guitar would be bad. I recognize the image idea as important, but it is only an image because no one has really broken it yet. Plus, I fucking hate the way most guys act in a band situation anyway, maybe having a woman around would make them act slightly more decent. Drunken bastards. My bass player was rolling in the street last week at 2 am....