Open Letter to Leena

Damn, man. I changed my username just to poke fun at LL, but I certainly don't find her that bad. She's OK. This should be "Open Letter To Emptifier". Now that kid is annoying, always.
oh, there's so much unnecessary hostility... what's so wrong with her posts? I mean, it's like hating something that you don't understand. There's no matter if she doesn't care what other people think about what she's saying and honestly I respect her for this. And making thread about her only shows that you're interested in her behaviour and you pay a lot of attention to it, which is some kinda 'victory' for her :)

Yeah, that's true ... maybe now she is so proud of herself, doesn't she?
...because that screen name makes me cringe.

Listen girl, the problem with you is not the fact that you have a crush on Allu. No, it is that your posts just look so dumb and embarrassing. And no, I will not be a hypocritical asshole and say "no offense". Because your posts do offend me. Me, and probably most female Allu/Bodom fans. OKAY, so you need to let that shit out. And if you can't do it in public without seeming like a drooling moron -which IS partly understandable, but not everyone's fuckin' business!- then start a diary.

My €0.02


No one gives a fuck, frankly, I think most people don't mind leena at this point.
I think if Leena wants to embarrass herself it's fine with me...and hilarious... and makes me feel kind of bad for her... cause a lot of people on this forum have met Alexi and the CoB guys multiple me.. then again, I'm kind of a bitch.
Talk about Ricky is nice :lol:


shooot to thrilll too many women too many bills i got my gun at the ready and ill fire at willl cause i shoot to thrilll and im ready to killl
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! lolololol! Fuck off bitch! This is a free world/forum and i can say whatever i want about Alexi anytime i want. This is a forum about Bodom and i'm discussing about him. And i know my limits too cuz i don't want to get banned. Yeah, in the past i blew up at other members cuz they made me really mad when they talked shit about him or when they made me jealous when i see him kissing other chicks and people meeting him but i'v gotten over that. My love for Alexi will last forever even if my passion has died down. I love the man to death and you saying this won't fucking change my mind.

OMFG, i had noooooo idea, Lanterns was a Alexi fangirl emo! LOL. WOw, surprise! At least i don't cut myself over him. I have more dignity than that. If you really wanted to get something out of it, then you should have carved his name into your arm instead.

Mima: Nice avatar! You're alwayz gorgeous in your pics.
Damn, man. I changed my username just to poke fun at LL, but I certainly don't find her that bad. She's OK. This should be "Open Letter To Emptifier". Now that kid is annoying, always.

im trying to fight back my old i will be respectful...

that was the "old" emptifier, im not going to be like that anymore. and besides im not obsessed over some guy...
im trying to fight back my old i will be respectful...

that was the "old" emptifier, im not going to be like that anymore. and besides im not obsessed over some guy...

No... you're definitely the same Emptifier.... prove us wrong! :Smokin:

You talk the talk, now walk the walk! Prove yourself, young one. But don't get all nice and agreeable on us, cause that shit don't work on this forum. Only MIMA and Deadly are allowed to be ridiculously nice 99% of the time. :p
OMFG, i had noooooo idea, Lanterns was a Alexi fangirl emo! LOL. WOw, surprise! At least i don't cut myself over him. I have more dignity than that. If you really wanted to get something out of it, then you should have carved his name into your arm instead.

For real? People cut themselves over this? ... :erk:

Man. WTF is up with this forum? Is this a Bodom forum or a psych forum for a big bunch of headcases?

Unhealthy Celebrity Obsession