
Originally posted by Mariner
:p seems I'm the first her who saw the extended version :p

If you're not that much a fan of LOTR, you shouldn't buy it and go for the 2dvdrelease... But I am!
It's nice too see some more things, altough they don't add things to the story... just nice addons

Whaaaaaaaat?! :yell: They released it allready?? Shit, that's it, I'm spending the money I saved for new shoes to buy that dvd. I really want to see for example the gift giving scene. Is there anything added to the fight-scenes?
the fight choreography was the one thing I did'nt like about was a bit too errol flynn for me.

Note to peter jackson: when you have a fuck off sword like narsil you do not waste time kicking, punching, or heabutting orcs. Its sad that the movie avoided the usual holywood cliches in all other areas and then went for the mel gibson style fight scenes...hope the next one sorts that out...don't wanna see any spinning back kicks at helms deep, godammit
Originally posted by Mariner
you don't know much about LOTR, is it?

i saw the movie as some friend got me free tickets to the theater. it was good for the style, but not a reason to become mad for me. but yeah, i have no problem with people worshipping it. but not a second of LoTR can beat 'Loaded Weapon' or 'Hot SHots'.
I gotta admit I can't remember the fights that well anymore. The upcoming (allready out?) extended dvd will sort that out, just wondering if it contained even just a little extra blood and guts? :devil:

What I can remember though, is my head aching and spinning after the shaky camera when confronting the cave troll...
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Is there anything added to the fight-scenes?

well i though the fightscene with the cavetroll in moria seems longer, i'm not sure about it... but for the rest, no
BTW normally it was released tommorow, found it friday already :D
Originally posted by Crack Hitler

How much did you pay for it, btw?

well 69€!!! and you're counting on 40€? aargh it is worth my money though! And the two bookstands are nice :)
Oh, that's true, you allready said that :) Well the 40e is for the version without the bookstands, guess I'll go with that since I'm not sure if paying 20 something extra for the bookstands is truly a clever idea. In my case, that is :D
sorry mariner but you gotts be kidding having rhapsody to do the music for that film!!i'm sure they are talented and that but it had to e classical and folk music for me, with the likes of enya and stuff..i gonna get the new dvd but i need a dvd player first. if i can afford it i'll get a ps2 and play the games as well. what an anorak!!
remember tho the dvd player on the ps2 ain't great by many accounts. Plus the pc game version of LOTR got slated in reviews and the EA games pc version looks like it might have been pulled. dunno bout the playstation version wheres thatsduffle??
Originally posted by pagan2002
sorry mariner but you gotts be kidding having rhapsody to do the music for that film!!i'm sure they are talented and that but it had to e classical and folk music for me,

Agreed but they're called "Hollywood"metal for some reason...
The Lord of the rings- The Fellowship (the game of course) sucks big times, i was through it in about two days without playing a lot!!!
The Two Towers game looks way better though you can play till the end of the second part including Helms deep and stuff, so i will wait till i see the film.

I like the stuff of Blind Guardian as you know Don, and especially cause of there tolkien stuff, but i prefer the classic melodies too, for i think Howard Shore did a fantastic work for the first part.
Originally posted by Don Corleone
if there is a band that must do the soundtrack for LOTR, it is blind guardian without doubt.
i would prefer Summoning for the evil parts...
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
Maybe because they'rrrrrrreee............... POSERS! :heh::heh::heh:
(Oh man I bet Mariner is pissed now :):) (Oh and I just had a déjà vu, which is scary)

Oh, I'll just tease you at the biebob the 13th december. :p RHAPSODY!

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