Any Bands You've Given Up On?

Cannibal Corpse..They should have quit after Gore Obsessed. Most would disagree with me because that album is one of their most overlooked, but it's my favorite along with Vile, Gallery..., and Bloodthirst. Albums after that are mediocre at best.
AgoliantLives said:
Cannibal Corpse..They should have quit after Gore Obsessed. Most would disagree with me because that album is one of their most overlooked, but it's my favorite along with Vile, Gallery..., and Bloodthirst. Albums after that are mediocre at best.

Actually I'd say the last two were quite excellent and far better than GO. And even better thatn GOS and BT.
Thoth-Amon said:
Actually I'd say the last two were quite excellent and far better than GO. And even better thatn GOS and BT.

The last two albums are pretty good, but I like the musicianship much more on the ones I mentioned. It would be cool if they made another album similar to Butchered at Birth. What a shock that would be.
AgoliantLives said:
The last two albums are pretty good, but I like the musicianship much more on the ones I mentioned. It would be cool if they made another album similar to Butchered at Birth. What a shock that would be.
I like BAB and especially TOTM, but I'm not so sure I want another like it. Whatever, the corpse will always do something good.
I actually quite enjoy the new maiden album, their best in a long while imo. They seem to be finally embracing the posibilities of having 3 guitars

Who have I given up on; Mostly Slayer, expecially after the realese of Christ illusion, and most probably Metallica, pending their next release

As far as Opeth are concerned, GR is nothing great, Deliverance was better imo, Damnation sucked though
Too many I've been hangin on to, gotta give some up one of these days. I mean it's not like their new shit is better than the classsic shit right?

Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth etc.

Nothing can top those classics man.
Authentic Metalhead said:
I hate most death metal lyrics. It's so...two-dimensional.

I usally dont listen to the lyrics unless they tell a interesting story. I do listen to type of voice the singer has.

Lately I've given up on Darkthrone lately. I liked dt for a while, but they just bore me now.
Out of the bands I listen, none of them I get tired of listening to. If there's one band I could take a guess on it's Dream Theater. I just don't listen to them as much as I used to but I still like them.
I love In Flames and all of the albums they have released other than their first two (I don't mean The Jester Race and Whoracle). Soundtrack To Your Escape is a freakin masterpiece and to me is better than Come Clarity and RtR. Not a single clue why people diss an album that has amazing songs in it like My Sweet Shadow, Borders and Shading, and Dial 595 Escape.

Oh yea and also why give up on Amorphis when they released a huge come back album called Eclipse. Their new singer is awesome.
Blue_Jay said:
I love In Flames and all of the albums they have released other than their first two (I don't mean The Jester Race and Whoracle). Soundtrack To Your Escape is a freakin masterpiece and to me is better than Come Clarity and RtR. Not a single clue why people diss an album that has amazing songs in it like My Sweet Shadow, Borders and Shading, and Dial 595 Escape.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Blue_Jay said:
Oh yea and also why give up on Amorphis when they released a huge come back album called Eclipse. Their new singer is awesome.

That's very true - I don't think they could have released a better album. But somehow it all just feels fake, sounding like a band that's studied Amorphis for years and have it down to a fine art, rather than Amorphis themselves. I always thought the band was going strong up to Tuonela where they kept introducing new elements but sadly fell into commercial rock afterwards. Hopefully now they've made their comeback they feel they can create something original on the next one.
Blue_Jay said:
Oh yea and also why give up on Amorphis when they released a huge come back album called Eclipse. Their new singer is awesome.

Is Eclipse the new Tales From The Thousand Lakes ? :err:
If it is i will check it out, buy and die happy. :headbang: :devil:
Necuratul said:
What the fuck is wrong with Reinkaos?
The more I listen to it, the more I fucking dig it.
Yeah, the drums are more stripped-down and the blues factor is much more present than in the older stuff, but the songs are good nevertheless.