Any Bands You've Given Up On?

No they arn't.

Tiamat is pretty worthless now imo, I had this time when I liked their newer stuff but now it is just so pointless to me.

Decapitated will never release anything worth my time again.
They are boring, that is the main issue I have with them. It isn't that they are horrible, they really are not, they just fucking are not interesting.
I love their first five releases, with their fourth Wildhoney being the best. Everything after A Deeper Kind Of Slumber just isn't worth your time.
Erik said:
i deleted it because i just don't want to talk to anyone that mindbogglingly fucking airheaded but thanks for quoting it
You are welcome.
Nice to see how you treat a chick that puts in nearly three-and-a-half thousand posts into a forum that you're supposed to make people want to come back and visit.
i don't give a shit if people post here or not, all i'm supposed to do is make sure that the posts that ARE here are not shit

you can fuck off for all i care, and i really hope susperia will also fuck off, and in fact i think that half of the posters here are utter garbage
Danallica said:
I actually quite enjoy the new maiden album, their best in a long while imo. They seem to be finally embracing the posibilities of having 3 guitars

As far as Opeth are concerned, GR is nothing great, Deliverance was better imo, Damnation sucked though

I liked BNW better.BNW>AMOL&D>DoD IMO

As far as for Opeth,I thought that GR didn't suck that much.It was just not what I expected of 'em and I still enjoy songs like The Baying Of The Hounds very much.It will take more than that for me to give up on them.
Ex-cally-boo said:
They are boring, that is the main issue I have with them. It isn't that they are horrible, they really are not, they just fucking are not interesting.
Maybe you're turned off by the Killswitch-isms of it, but I hear quality there. I don't think that it is better than SOTLB or anything, but after a few listens I grew to like it - its definitely Jon, and the vocals alone are killer!
Ender Rises said:
New? It's just the same shit they always did with *GASP* different lyrical content!!!
The same shit? Fuck, ender! You were the one, who always liked them (well, at least you said so)! And now you say they are shit? Even if they really are - try to grasp your own self.

PS: New vocals a music style.
Dimmu Borgir is getting there.....
Vreid is close
Fact is that i really don't listen to much new music so its sorta hard to give up on something... Although Hypocracy got kicked out of my mind after a live preformance that was one of the worst i've seen
VadimVon said:
What the fuck is wrong with Reinkaos?
The more I listen to it, the more I fucking dig it.
Yeah, the drums are more stripped-down and the blues factor is much more present than in the older stuff, but the songs are good nevertheless.

1) You're an idiot.
2) Reinkaos sucks
3) My post was a joke, in case you didn't realize all of those bands are DEFUNCT or soon to be
4) You think your own music is quality, so I don't really care if you think Reinkaos is a good album because you're obviously wrong
5) Intolerance is a fucking troll, I don't know why nobody realizes that