any body like spiral architect

Barking Pumpkin said:
Actually......I think this is especially relevant here. I don't have Watchtower albums....but I listened to some, and my impression of Spiral Architect is that they're influenced by Watchtower quite a bit. I'll revisit Watchtower and check on that again.
Yeah, WatchTower and Cynic, definitely. One could argue Psychotic Waltz considering the vocals. Øyvind sounds quite a bit like I-forgot-his-name—both-real-name-and-stage-name. Early Fates Warning maybe? Difficult to say.

Out of those, I'd actually say I hear Cynic the most, but SA definitely have their own sound and songs, yep.
That pic is hilarious, haha

What I love about Spiral Architect is that despite being insanely technical, I'd say they are one of the most accessible "tech" bands...and that basswork just makes me wet my pants every time I listen :)
what i like about spiral arcitect is that they are very heavy for the tech side of things the guitars and drums are very heavy
Zero hour has never described themselves as technical (Dark, Heavy with emotional vibe). I love both Spiral Architect and Zero Hour but for different reasons. While I would not put Jasun up with someone like Shawn Lane as a musician, he is a good player and totally deicated to his music.
On a more personal note I find the whole what is Technical slightly boring and somehow missing the point. There are lots of good bands around and for me what is important is if I enjoy the music not what brand of marketing happens to define the bands musical style.
I'm not a massive fan, if you care to ask. I think they are far too ambitious for what they have, technique-wise. And, if a musician's gonna wank, at least they should do it with some technique and finesse... Just IMO.
oh i enjoy it. i just appreciate some things that are more simple also. hell, everyone does. i just hate elitist music consumers/players who think that the rules that are set for them in tonality is the "right" way to play music.

jo jo said:
geese SupersonicRobotic its like you dont even like tech metal
Jason Washburn said:
Well I think your fucking wroung about all your stament. Zero Hour are a buch of excellent musicians...did you listen to Tower of avarice ? I think it is Technical and progressive, sure not as prog as Spastic ink or Spiral Architect but they fit just fine with those guys.

Now about Spiral Architect, they are excellent too. Go buy the album now, it's money well spend. I'll also suggest Tower of Avarice by Zero Hour, I'm sure Asgeir would agree as he sometimes comes here. :rock:

Peekaboo! The PROGRESSIVE metal band Zero Hour is quite cool. I'm not a fan of progressive metal any more but Zero Hour stands out IMO. The reason is that they sound real. They don't try to do another "Images & Words" which everyone else seem to do (meaning I&W is great and probably can't be duplicated).

While I'm here I can tell you that there WILL be another SA album. It took lots of years to recover from the burn out, but we'll start writing again early next year. Expect no progressive metal, hehe.

Regarding band who inspired us: WatchTower, Cynic, old Psychotic Waltz, old Fates Warning and Spastik Ink are definitely godly music! Øyvind is a BIG fan of John Arch and didn't have Buddy Lackey in mind at all when he wrote his vocal lines.

Now, I'll try not to be here only twice a year, hehe.

- Asgeir
Mhmmm. I need my "tech metal" fix (or whatever you prefer to call it). Badly. 3 good albums in about 4 years or something? WEAK!
hey Taedium Vitae ,

Are you tsorovan?
You sound like him, he´s a friend of mine with strong and interesting thoughts but polemic ideas too. I was reading an interview with Jarzombek and I thought he was right to say that compared to rap, nu metal might sound decent. I am just too terrified with people that use drum machine loops with sampled chords and spit words and call them selves musicians. :-)

I am not a ZH fan, neither think they´re TECHNICAL, but I don´t like their music because I don´t like it, it is plain simple.