Any DC area locals free on the 24th?


Division Guitarist
Feb 11, 2002
Woodbridge, VA
Wanna come to Jaxx and be on Division's live album? ;)

Seriously, we're recording that night, along with our friends in Odin's Court (who are filming a DVD), and Unbroken, Unit 53 and Scarz Within. For those of you that have seen us before I can guarantee that we'll actually get to play our full set for once!

Besides, it's cheap ($10), and what else do you have to do on a Friday? :kickass:
Dead_Lioness said:
oh sweet eaeolian, you know I'd be the first to be there...
alas, its my semester break and I'll be out of town starting from that
Friday ....


have fun for me too k?
good luck with the recording!!!

Figures. Of course, everything else we're playing on is stuff you don't like. Too bad, but have fun on your break!
what time are you playing?

I have a feeling I don't want to see a band with a word like "scarz" in their name :lol: ,so I don't want to get there too early
hahah, hail eris! :cool:

cool, I'll stop by to at least check you guys out, been a long while since I've seen Division, I think the last time was right when 'Ascension to Eternity' was released.

though I do have a final exam the next morning .................................

hahahaha ...nah.. my excuses aren't as good as Karens, I'll go, I'll just probably skip out early in Odin Court's set so I can rest up for the test.
eaeolian said:
Wanna come to Jaxx and be on Division's live album? ;)

Seriously, we're recording that night, along with our friends in Odin's Court (who are filming a DVD), and Unbroken, Unit 53 and Scarz Within. For those of you that have seen us before I can guarantee that we'll actually get to play our full set for once!

Besides, it's cheap ($10), and what else do you have to do on a Friday? :kickass:
I will be there with about 15 other people, we are taking a van from richmond to support my freinds in Unit 53. Ill be the guy with the long hair and the metal t-shirt. :kickass:
Chromatose said:
hahah, hail eris! :cool:

cool, I'll stop by to at least check you guys out, been a long while since I've seen Division, I think the last time was right when 'Ascension to Eternity' was released.

though I do have a final exam the next morning .................................

hahahaha ...nah.. my excuses aren't as good as Karens, I'll go, I'll just probably skip out early in Odin Court's set so I can rest up for the test.

Jeez. That's been a while, hasn't it? ;)

Thanks for coming out, if you do!