March 24th - Division @ Odin's Court's DVD shoot at Jaxx...

eaeolian said:
Thanks to everyone who came out - we all had a blast. It was great to have the whole stage for once, even if I was staggering around on an ankle the size of a softball. Unfortunately, we may have lost part of the recording due to technical issues (hard drive crash), but we're going to try to sort that out...

Well Mike, all is not lost, my recording came out much better than I expected, and is on its way to you now :>

I'm sure you'll be pleaseantly surprised as I was :>

*Checks mailbox*

Nope, not yet...

*Taps foot*

Not yet...

Heh, thanks Bruce - I'm obviously anxious to hear it. Looks like we got everything but "11th Hour" and "N.W.O." on the 24 track, so I just have to sort it out...
eaeolian said:
Some more pics courtesy of Kayla, who was right in front all night. Thanks!

My fav:




Nick's seizure meds fail spectacularly