Any DIYers here?


After thinking about it for way too long, I finally decided to buy a couple of DIY pedal kits from BYOC. I thought it'd take me days to put together but it was done in just a few hours to my surprise!

So now I REALLY want to build more stuff, and a bit more advanced. I just ordered two 500 module 312 kits from Classic Audio Products. I didn't dare to get the DIY op-amps though, looked so damn tiny to work with, but maybe next time I'll try that as well.

Anyone else doing stuff like this? Hell, if this turns out well there's some serious money to save by building your own stuff. Plus the pride. :Spin:
Which BYOC pedals? I have their Ampeg Scrambler clone I have to finish up. After that I'll see about modding my Metalzone into something more usable. That should be easier.
We have a stereo 1176 (ballache and a half), a few pres (SCA N72+T15s/ClassicAPI VP312DIs), and a Poctop U87 clone that I've built, and I finished two mono 1176's earlier this year that I traded off for other gear.

Really keen to do a few pedals, mainly an OCD clone and my own OD808 with a few extra bits added. Decided to buy a used CL 7720 instead of building a GSSL but I may look into changing the transformers in it; we'll see how good VBC ends up being. :lol:
Up until now I've done handyman things like custom cable runs, reamp boxes, decoupled monitor stands, acoustic panel framing and fabricating... etc. I build things. As far as outboard goes, I really want a compressor that I can demolish some volts with. And I want to build it myself. What would you guys build if you had the time?
I do pretty shitty stuff..
I'd love to be able to do more complex stuff..
Tried doing a fuzz-pedal that was on here awhile ago, but the parts I had weren't very clear on how they worked/how the electricity flows, yeah I suck at electronics..
I dun' goofed.. it didn't sound like a fuzz at all.. weak and shitty..
Found the thread:

Luckily, I ordered so I could make several ones, and also with variation..
Just need to try and build one again..
Built an SCA A12 and an SCA N72. Built a couple pedals and lost them.

Currently working on a ribbon mic. I've got the whole thing together now but I need to find myself a machine shop to fabricate the casing. I was originally going to do it myself, but decided against using my dremel to shape the stainless steel :D
How difficult were the 1176's? I love an 1176, would be great to build one.

I'm fairly decent at through hole soldering.
Mono 1176s are pretty easy. My stereo build was a pain in the dick because it uses a totally different ratio and meter switch assembly and I was one of the first on the web to have been dealing with that como of hairball parts and classic cases chassis.
Which BYOC pedals? I have their Ampeg Scrambler clone I have to finish up. After that I'll see about modding my Metalzone into something more usable. That should be easier.

DS-1 and TS-808 so far. I guess a phaser or fuzz would be next in line.

But...damn! Some really ambitious builds out there! U47 clone sounds really cool. What capsule are you using and what tube? Are you building the power supply as well?

I still don't have a 500 series case; my first idea was to get the one from Purple Audio, but today I pulled the trigger on a 51x case instead, plus external power supply. I'll probably set fire to the house in the end but it'll be worth it.

EDIT: forgot to add: also started checking GSSL after talk in this thread. I'm pretty sure I'll get a kit for that before the end of the year as well. They seem really easy to build as well.
I'm using the BeesNeez K7 capsule, which got fantastic remarks from Klaus (a well-respected Neumann guru) in terms of sound and Neumann-authenticity tone-wise. He found it to be even closer to vintage Neumanns than Thiersch capsules. The K7 is mechanically a cross between the M7 and K47 capsule, although it shares more tone-wise with the K47.

I'm using a Telefunken EF800 tube. It should be very similar to an EF14 or VF14, and is used in other tube mics, including some U47 "clones" by manufacturers. I guess technically my build isn't a clone since I'm not using a Neumann capsule or a VF14, but considering that Flea and Wunder mics are called clones, and they don't use the original Neumann parts either, mine will be in the same league.

Since this is my first mic build, I decided to forgo the PSU building and just bought one from Tab-Funkenwekr/AMI. However, when I'm done, I will be building an AKG C12, which will involve modding an Apex 460 PSU.