Any DragonLance readers around ?

It's been years since I read those. I just remember it was good, so the hell with the name :p

And I can't read yours until you present some/all of it. So let's have it!
Except he is lazy :p

I've been really busy, and I have started reading...but nowhere near finished yet :(

I'll get 'em back to you probably by the end of the weekend or early next week though (sorry if thats kinds late!)
Wait till you read it. You have no idea how much time and work I've put into it so far. It's all I think about. It's all I've thought about for 2 years! I'm constantly adding to it but trying not to get too far ahead of where I actually am in writing the story.
Any fans of Tad Williams around? I really liked Memory, Sorrow, Thorn and he's about to release a new fantasy tale called Shadowmarch. Dunno about it tho.

I dont like Dragonlance that much, I've always prefered Forgotten Realms and Tolkien.
The Soulforged said:
im a dragonlance reader look at my name! but i have to agree with infernium forgotten realms is better. but my favorite author is Dennis L McKernian

Nah!! sure its good but not the best :D