Any gamers here?


Metal Massacre
Mar 3, 2003
Anyone here play PC games like Age of Mythology, Warcraft III, Diablo2? I game alot, good stress-breaker ='.'=

I have a hard time sleeping if I dont kill at least a hundred virtual enemies every few days
I played warcraft II the first like 10 levels. Till I had to try and get Lord dickhead from teh top of the map to the bottom and They kept fucking kill me. FUCKERS. Anyways never got past it. But Thats about it
I got hooked on that Half-Life pc game. That game was starting to rip out my soul.
How the hell do you kill that big baby-fetus thing at the end? :yell: From what I've heard about EverQuest (as in addicting and soul robbing), I'm not gonna go near that one. I recently got one of those gamecubes which has been pretty fun.
I never got to the end of Half-Life, the program kept crashing so much I quit playing it. Everquest is one of those Massive Multiplayer online Roleplaying games, that yes, is quite addicting. I didnt play EQ, i played Dark Age of Camelot for a couple months. I finally had to quit playing it, was taking over my effing life! Im too casual for that immersive of gameplay, tho I might try out the World of Warcraft MMORPG coming out soon. Its supposed to not have such a steep leveling treadmill and all that so, its easier to casually play for an hour here. An hour here an hour there instead of 10 hour marathons where you forget to eat, drink, shower or go to the bathroom. I dont really play console games much, I do when Im over at someones house or whatever, they are more for sports and racing games and all that. I like blowing things up, leading a grand army into battle and cleaving someones effing skull with a broadsword more than sports games and all that.
I play too damn much EverQuest. :) My avatar is my enchanter Melisan, where I got my name. She's a 60 enchanter with epic. My main, Galiana, is a 60 druid. With this game I don't need any others, really.

I have an XBox but so far nothing interests me. Even DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball was a letdown. You got keep buying gifts for the other girls to get them to partner with you. It's inane.
ROTLD said:
I got hooked on that Half-Life pc game. That game was starting to rip out my soul.
How the hell do you kill that big baby-fetus thing at the end? :yell:

Ya gotta blow up the lights on the walls of baby fetus' chamber, then when his head opens up, climb up and start horkin the heavy artillery into the cavity. He'll eventually snuff it and you have saved the universe from certain terror at the hands of the GIANT BABY FETUS!!!!:Shedevil:
I usually end up playing Atari Arcade Classics on my PC (Missle Command, Centipede, Asteroids, Tempest, Pong), though I do own Star Wars: Rebel Assault. (I have to reconnect my joystick, but I've been too lazy.)

I also have a PS2. Primarily, it's used only for watching DVD movies (like the new Black Sabbath DVD of the band in 1978 I bought on Tuesday!), but, my collection is growin with games. So far, Simpsons Road Rage and Star Wars Starfighter.

Did I mention that I'm a huge Star Wars and Simpsons fan? :heh:
Snausages said:
Ya gotta blow up the lights on the walls of baby fetus' chamber, then when his head opens up, climb up and start horkin the heavy artillery into the cavity. He'll eventually snuff it and you have saved the universe from certain terror at the hands of the GIANT BABY FETUS!!!!:Shedevil:
I've done that much, several times actually, but when I get to pounding it inside the head I get shot out to another place by that DAMN GREEN BALL!! :( This is the end of the game, right?
I play mostly Quake III Arena, with the Dark Conjunction total conversion single player mod, in Windows and Linux (mostly Linux). I also do a lot of gaming with the emulator programs, like Mame (arcade), Stella (2600), Mess (multi console), and some others for the SEGA genesis, Master System, and NES/Super Nintendo.

I spend most of my $$ on clothes and music gear right now, so I don't have much left over for a gaming system. If I ever spend some time on the road, I might consider getting a Gamecube. Several games that interest me on the PC are also on the Gamecube. Plus, it's portable. Or maybe a laptop that can play DOOM III full-speed with all the eye candy and surround sound...wicked! :devil:
Well, during my lunch break today, I traded in 3 games at the local EBworld store for System Shock 2. Brand new, in the EB Classics packaging. I also got 2 Ultima Online action figures (buy one, get another FREE)! Yep, not bad for $19.99 worth of a trade! :)

Actually, I have something like $4.50 leftover on store credit. :D

Anyway, anyone here have some experience on this scary, heart pounding classic? If you can, PLEASE spare me from any spoilers!

Later, taz
Gotta love abandonware! Just snagged Carmageddon, Knights of Xentar and Nerf Arenablast from

Who says you need to spend $$$ on a new game?

Anyway, the Xentar one's hilarious. It plays like your classic 2d Role Playing Game (RPG), but it's definitely meant for the 18+ crowd. The cutscenes are like something out of a hentai movie, but done humorously. The version classic-trash has includes a crack that adds 3 games saved in higher levels, but I'm playing it from the beginning. If you have win2k/XP, fuggedaboutit. Won't run there, unless maybe you're any good at running emulator software like Bochs.:)
Today I turned 31!
I got Ghost Recon gold edition and Medal of Honor:Allied Assault both today, they both rock!

havnt played System Shock, but used to play Carmageddon alot, sick game, pretty funny =]
xSamhainx said:
Today I turned 31!

I'm 36 on Saturday. And Steph is [fill in the blank] tomorrow. We should have a big birthday party or something. :) Except I take off for Vegas on Friday.

Anyway, I just got Freelancer and it's definitely taking me away from EQ. They did a hell of a job on this game. I've always liked these hired gun type games, and space shooters, so this is a blast for me. It's worth the bucks.

Oh, anyone got an XBox? I decided to give DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball another try. I finally found someone more hard up than me: the team that made this game. It's just downright lame in places. Gameplay is fun, but all these gratuitous scenes of the girls sleeping on and turning over on lawn chairs and sitting straddled across a tree (phallic images, you know) get old fast. Or maybe I am. :err: But I think it's more stupid than fun.
I play Battlefield 1942: Desert COmbat a lot. Also playing UnrealII right now, that game is fuckin scarey as hell. Command and COnquer: Generals and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003.
During the day, I've been playing alot of the Carmen San Diego series, my fav is Where in the USA? Also, The Clue Finders has some great ones out now; The Mystery of the Missing Amulet is challenging and the characters are likable. Also, RollerCoaster Tycoon, MotoRacer2, Madden, Gearhead Garage, Bejeweled, Reader Rabbit, and BluesClues.
When I come home from work, ;) I've been playing Pharoah, Black&White (my monkey was EVIL!), Dune, Alice, and Monopoly Tycoon.
That adds up to like 10+ gaming hours a day, plus playing guitar~ I seriously had to lay off the games awhile back when my wrist started going numb.... and I started dreaming in pixels!